Here is a roundup of last week's Linux security updates for AlmaLinux, Debian GNU/Linux, Fedora Linux, Oracle Linux, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Slackware Linux, SUSE Linux, and Ubuntu Linux.
- ALSA-2024:2883 Important: firefox security update
- ALSA-2024:2888 Important: thunderbird security update
- ALSA-2024:2910 Important: nodejs security update
Debian GNU/Linux
- ELA-1095-1 uwsgi security update
- [DLA 3817-1] thunderbird security update
- ELA-1089-2 less regression update
- [DSA 5695-1] webkit2gtk security update
- [DSA 5696-1] chromium security update
- [DSA 5698-1] ruby-rack security update
- [DSA 5699-1] redmine security update
- [DSA 5697-1] chromium security update
- ELA-1085-2 emacs24 regression update
- ELA-1086-2 emacs25 regression update
- [DLA 3819-1] fossil security update
- [DLA 3818-1] apache2 security update
- [DLA 3820-1] bluez security update
Fedora Linux
- Fedora 40 Update: uriparser-0.9.8-1.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: chromium-125.0.6422.76-1.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: libxml2-2.12.7-1.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: python-libgravatar-1.0.4-1.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: pgadmin4-8.6-1.fc40
- Fedora 39 Update: libreoffice-
- Fedora 39 Update: chromium-125.0.6422.76-1.fc39
- Fedora 39 Update: thunderbird-115.11.0-1.fc39
- Fedora 39 Update: crosswords-0.3.13-1.fc39
- Fedora 39 Update: libipuz-
- Fedora 39 Update: dotnet7.0-7.0.119-1.fc39
- Fedora 39 Update: mingw-libxml2-2.12.7-1.fc39
- Fedora 39 Update: perl-Email-MIME-1.954-1.fc39
- Fedora 40 Update: libipuz-
- Fedora 40 Update: crosswords-0.3.13-1.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: mingw-libxml2-2.12.7-1.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: perl-Email-MIME-1.954-1.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-varlink-cli-4.5.3-7.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_whoami-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_readlink-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_factor-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_touch-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_test-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_mv-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_sum-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_tail-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_tac-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_uniq-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_vdir-0.0.23-2.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_truncate-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_printenv-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_tr-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_unexpand-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_ptx-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_true-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_mkdir-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_rm-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_pwd-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_nl-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_fmt-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_paste-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-zram-generator-1.1.2-11.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-yubibomb-0.2.14-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-zoxide-0.9.2-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-weezl-0.1.8-2.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_tsort-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_wc-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_split-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_tee-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_sort-0.0.23-2.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_shuf-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_pr-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_sleep-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_echo-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_od-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_numfmt-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_shred-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_seq-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_rmdir-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_realpath-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_mktemp-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_printf-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_ln-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_expand-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-ybaas-0.0.17-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-vhost-device-sound-0.1.0-2.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-vhost-device-scmi-0.1.0-6.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-varlink_generator-10.1.0-6.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_yes-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_unlink-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-sd-1.0.0-2.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_expr-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-scx_rustland-0.0.3-2.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_more-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_env-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_ls-0.0.23-2.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_head-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_false-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_join-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_fold-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_hashsum-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_link-0.0.23-4.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-sequoia-keyring-linter-1.0.1-7.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-sequoia-octopus-librnp-1.8.1-4.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_dircolors-0.0.23-2.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_dir-0.0.23-2.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_date-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_df-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_csplit-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_cksum-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_du-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_dd-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_comm-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_dirname-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_cp-0.0.23-2.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-termbg-0.4.4-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_cut-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_base64-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-tokei-12.1.2-9.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_cat-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_basenc-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_basename-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uu_base32-0.0.23-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-uefi-run-0.6.1-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-tree-sitter-cli-0.22.5-2.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-speakersafetyd-0.1.9-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-ssh-key-dir-0.1.4-8.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rustup-1.26.0-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-tiny-dfr-0.2.0-5.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-szip-1.0.0-6.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-tealdeer-1.6.1-8.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-system76_ectool-0.3.8-9.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-snphost-0.1.2-4.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-skim-0.10.4-4.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-sevctl-0.4.3-4.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-sequoia-sqv-1.2.1-2.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-sinit-0.1.2-6.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-shellcheck-sarif-0.4.2-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-sarif-fmt-0.4.2-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-silver-2.0.1-8.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-sequoia-sq-0.35.0-2.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-sequoia-wot-0.11.0-4.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-sha1collisiondetection-0.3.4-2.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-scx_rusty-0.5.4-2.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-sequoia-policy-config-0.6.0-8.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-sequoia-chameleon-gnupg-0.9.0-2.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-rpki-0.18.1-2.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-rpick-0.9.0-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-rpm-sequoia-1.6.0-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-routinator-0.13.2-2.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-ripgrep-14.1.0-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-rav1e-0.7.1-2.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-prefixdevname-0.2.0-4.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-ifcfg-devname-1.1.0-8.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-mdsh-0.7.0-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-gst-plugin-gtk4-0.12.5-2.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-gitui-0.24.3-5.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-rustcat-1.3.0-11.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-hadolint-sarif-0.4.2-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-routinator-ui-0.3.4-2.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-rd-hashd-2.2.5-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-rbspy-0.17.0-5.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-rd-agent-2.2.5-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-pretty-git-prompt-0.2.2-2.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-python-launcher-1.0.0-12.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-local_ipaddress-0.1.3-8.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-lino-0.10.0-9.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-jql-7.1.2-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-krunvm-0.1.6-8.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-pretty-bytes-0.2.0-6.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-is_ci-1.2.0-2.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-pulldown-cmark-0.10.3-2.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-hexyl-0.14.0-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-gst-plugin-gif-0.12.0-2.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-resctl-demo-2.2.5-4.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-navi-2.20.1-8.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-resctl-bench-2.2.5-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-procs-0.14.4-5.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-names-0.14.0-2.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-nu-0.91.0-2.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-pore-0.1.11-2.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-lscolors-0.17.0-2.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-oxipng-9.1.1-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-pleaser-0.5.4-4.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-lsd-1.1.2-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-libcramjam-0.3.0-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-leb128-0.2.5-9.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-kdotool-0.2.1-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-heatseeker-1.7.1-16.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-hyperfine-1.18.0-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-handlebars-5.1.2-2.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-gst-plugin-reqwest-0.12.4-2.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-fedora-update-feedback-2.1.4-2.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-elfcat-0.1.8-10.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-dolby_vision-3.3.0-2.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-docopt-1.1.1-13.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-difftastic-0.57.0-2.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-desed-1.2.1-4.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-eza-0.17.3-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-erdtree-3.1.2-4.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-fd-find-9.0.0-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-dua-cli-2.29.0-2.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-git-delta-0.16.5-10.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-dutree-0.2.18-12.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-dotenvy-0.15.7-4.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-diskonaut-0.11.0-18.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-cpc-1.9.3-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-count-zeroes-0.2.1-9.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-coreos-installer-0.21.0-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-clang-tidy-sarif-0.4.2-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-copydeps-5.0.1-8.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-choosier-0.1.0-17.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-cargo-deny-0.14.21-2.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-clippy-sarif-0.4.2-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-bat-0.24.0-5.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-comrak-0.18.0-4.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-cbindgen-0.26.0-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-bindgen-cli-0.69.4-2.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-cfonts-1.1.4-2.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-cargo-readme-3.3.1-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-bitvec_helpers-3.1.4-1.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-bodhi-cli-2.1.2-2.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-cargo-insta-1.38.0-2.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-blsctl-0.2.3-14.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-btrd-0.5.3-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-b3sum-1.5.1-2.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-asahi-wifisync-0.2.0-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-asahi-btsync-0.2.0-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-asahi-nvram-0.2.1-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-afterburn-5.5.1-4.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-askalono-cli-0.4.6-9.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust2rpm-helper-0.1.5-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-alacritty-0.13.2-2.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-h2-0.4.5-1.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-anyhow-1.0.84-1.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-cargo-util-0.2.11-1.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-bitstream-io-2.3.0-1.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-libz-sys-1.1.16-1.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-open-5.1.3-1.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-tracing-chrome-0.7.2-1.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: rust-ulid-1.1.2-2.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: wildcard-0.3.3-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: snapshot-46.3-2.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: system76-keyboard-configurator-1.3.10-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: sudo-rs-0.2.2-3.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: ntpd-rs-1.1.2-2.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: maturin-1.5.1-2.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: loupe-46.2-2.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: gnome-tour-46.0-2.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: glycin-loaders-1.0.1-4.fc40
- Fedora 40 Update: buildah-1.35.4-1.fc40
Oracle Linux
- ELBA-2024-12360 Oracle Linux 8 oVirt 4.5 zstd bug fix update
- ELSA-2024-2913 Important: Oracle Linux 7 thunderbird security update (aarch64)
- ELSA-2024-2888 Important: Oracle Linux 9 thunderbird security update
- ELSA-2024-2883 Important: Oracle Linux 9 firefox security update
- ELSA-2024-2913 Important: Oracle Linux 7 thunderbird security update
- ELBA-2024-12387 Oracle Linux 9 irqbalance bug fix update
- ELBA-2024-12391 Oracle Linux 8 Unbreakable Enterprise kernel bug fix update
- ELBA-2024-12391 Oracle Linux 8 Unbreakable Enterprise kernel bug fix update
- ELBA-2024-12389 Oracle Linux 9 gcc-toolset-12-gcc bug fix update
- ELBA-2024-12388 Oracle Linux 9 selinux-policy bug fix update
- ELBA-2024-12392 Oracle Linux 8 Unbreakable Enterprise kernel-container bug fix update
- ELBA-2024-12390 Oracle Linux 8 gcc-toolset-12-gcc bug fix update
- ELBA-2024-12392 Oracle Linux 7 Unbreakable Enterprise kernel-container bug fix update
- ELBA-2024-12391 Oracle Linux 7 Unbreakable Enterprise kernel bug fix update
Red Hat Enterprise Linux
- RHSA-2024:2910: Important: nodejs security update
- RHSA-2024:2903: Important: thunderbird security update
- RHSA-2024:2906: Important: firefox security update
- RHSA-2024:2907: Moderate: httpd:2.4 security update
- RHSA-2024:2905: Important: thunderbird security update
- RHSA-2024:2904: Important: thunderbird security update
- RHSA-2024:2892: Important: go-toolset-1.19-golang security update
- RHSA-2024:2913: Important: thunderbird security update
- RHSA-2024:2912: Important: thunderbird security update
- RHSA-2024:2911: Important: thunderbird security update
- RHSA-2024:2945: Important: Red Hat AMQ Broker 7.12.0 release and security update
- RHSA-2024:2944: Important: AMQ Broker 7.12.0.OPR.1.GA Container Images release and security update
- RHSA-2024:2935: Important: go-toolset:rhel8 security update
- RHSA-2024:2936: Important: go-toolset:rhel8 security update
- RHSA-2024:2937: Important: nodejs security update
- RHSA-2024:2938: Important: varnish:6 security update
- RHSA-2024:2941: Important: RHACS 4.4 enhancement and security update
- RHSA-2024:2865: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.15.14 bug fix and security update
- RHSA-2024:3253: Moderate: virt:rhel and virt-devel:rhel security update
- RHSA-2024:3270: Moderate: sssd security update
- RHSA-2024:3264: Important: pcp security update
- RHSA-2024:3261: Important: tigervnc security update
- RHSA-2024:3269: Important: glibc security update
- RHSA-2024:3268: Low: krb5 security update
- RHSA-2024:3271: Important: bind and dhcp security update
- RHSA-2024:3254: Important: container-tools:rhel8 security update
- RHSA-2024:3267: Moderate: idm:DL1 and idm:client security update
- RHSA-2024:3259: Important: go-toolset:rhel8 security update
- RHSA-2024:3265: Important: grafana security update
- RHSA-2024:3258: Moderate: xorg-x11-server security update
- RHSA-2024:3275: Moderate: python-dns security update
- RHSA-2024:3030: Moderate: libsndfile security update
- RHSA-2024:3088: Moderate: gstreamer1-plugins-base security update
- RHSA-2024:3214: Moderate: gmp security update
- RHSA-2024:2979: Moderate: poppler security update
- RHSA-2024:3047: Moderate: 389-ds:1.4 security update
- RHSA-2024:3178: Important: linux-firmware security update
- RHSA-2024:3233: Low: libssh security update
- RHSA-2024:3120: Moderate: freeglut security update
- RHSA-2024:3127: Moderate: zziplib security update
- RHSA-2024:2987: Moderate: python27:2.7 security update
- RHSA-2024:3043: Moderate: ansible-core bug fix, enhancement, and security update
- RHSA-2024:3184: Moderate: grub2 security update
- RHSA-2024:3005: Moderate: python-pillow security update
- RHSA-2024:2950: Moderate: kernel-rt security and bug fix update
- RHSA-2024:3163: Moderate: pam security update
- RHSA-2024:2962: Moderate: virt:rhel and virt-devel:rhel security and enhancement update
- RHSA-2024:3062: Moderate: python3.11 security update
- RHSA-2024:2996: Moderate: xorg-x11-server-Xwayland security update
- RHSA-2024:3066: Moderate: exempi security update
- RHSA-2024:3211: Moderate: traceroute security update
- RHSA-2024:3105: Moderate: python3.11-cryptography security update
- RHSA-2024:2981: Moderate: frr security update
- RHSA-2024:3128: Moderate: perl:5.32 security update
- RHSA-2024:3203: Moderate: systemd security update
- RHSA-2024:3138: Moderate: kernel security, bug fix, and enhancement update
- RHSA-2024:3022: Moderate: motif security update
- RHSA-2024:2986: Moderate: python3.11-urllib3 security update
- RHSA-2024:2994: Moderate: LibRaw security update
- RHSA-2024:2980: Moderate: harfbuzz security update
- RHSA-2024:3089: Moderate: gstreamer1-plugins-good security update
- RHSA-2024:3017: Important: edk2 security update
- RHSA-2024:2966: Low: ghostscript security update
- RHSA-2024:2985: Moderate: python39:3.9 and python39-devel:3.9 security update
- RHSA-2024:3044: Moderate: idm:DL1 security update
- RHSA-2024:2988: Moderate: container-tools:rhel8 security update
- RHSA-2024:2968: Moderate: fence-agents security and bug fix update
- RHSA-2024:3008: Important: pmix security update
- RHSA-2024:3102: Moderate: python-jinja2 security update
- RHSA-2024:3058: Moderate: mutt security update
- RHSA-2024:2995: Moderate: xorg-x11-server security update
- RHSA-2024:3166: Moderate: openssh security update
- RHSA-2024:2973: Moderate: libX11 security update
- RHSA-2024:2953: Moderate: pcs security update
- RHSA-2024:3121: Moderate: httpd:2.4 security update
- RHSA-2024:2974: Moderate: libXpm security update
- RHSA-2024:3139: Moderate: squashfs-tools security update
- RHSA-2024:2982: Important: webkit2gtk3 security update
- RHSA-2024:3095: Moderate: vorbis-tools security update
- RHSA-2024:3061: Moderate: pki-core:10.6 and pki-deps:10.6 security update
- RHSA-2024:3056: Moderate: qt5-qtbase security update
- RHSA-2024:3094: Moderate: perl-CPAN security update
- RHSA-2024:3049: Moderate: perl-Convert-ASN1 security update
- RHSA-2024:2961: Moderate: Image builder components bug fix, enhancement and security update
- RHSA-2024:3067: Moderate: tigervnc security update
- RHSA-2024:3059: Moderate: libtiff security update
- RHSA-2024:3060: Moderate: gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free security update
- RHSA-2024:2952: Moderate: resource-agents security and bug fix update
- RHSA-2024:3299: Moderate: libxml2 security update
- RHSA-2024:2727: Important: Red Hat OpenStack Platform 17.1 (python-gunicorn) security update
- RHSA-2024:2736: Moderate: openstack-tripleo-heat-templates and tripleo-ansible update
- RHSA-2024:2730: Important: Red Hat OpenStack Platform 17.1 (collectd-sensubility) security update
- RHSA-2024:2729: Important: Red Hat OpenStack Platform 17.1 (etcd) security update
- RHSA-2024:2768: Moderate: Red Hat OpenStack Platform 17.1 (python-paramiko) security update
- RHSA-2024:2737: Moderate: Red Hat OpenStack Platform 17.1 (python-openstackclient) security update
- RHSA-2024:2733: Moderate: Red Hat OpenStack Platform 17.1 (openstack-ansible-core) security update
- RHSA-2024:2734: Moderate: Red Hat OpenStack Platform 17.1 (python-urllib3) security update
- RHSA-2024:2735: Moderate: Red Hat OpenStack Platform 17.1 (python-paramiko) security update
- RHSA-2024:2732: Moderate: Red Hat OpenStack Platform 17.1 (python-glance-store) security update
- RHSA-2024:2731: Moderate: Red Hat OpenStack Platform 17.1 (python-django) security update
- RHSA-2024:2767: Important: Red Hat OpenStack Platform 17.1 (collectd-sensubility) security update
- RHSA-2024:2769: Moderate: Red Hat OpenStack Platform 17.1 (python-openstackclient) security update
- RHSA-2024:2770: Moderate: Red Hat OpenStack Platform 17.1 (tripleo-ansible and openstack-tripleo-heat-templates) security update
- RHSA-2024:2869: Moderate: OpenShift Container Platform 4.14.26 security update
- RHSA-2024:3318: Important: kernel security update
- RHSA-2024:3319: Important: kernel security update
- RHSA-2024:3306: Moderate: kernel security and bug fix update
- RHSA-2024:3312: Important: glibc security update
- RHSA-2024:2930: Important: logging for Red Hat OpenShift security update
- RHSA-2024:2932: Important: logging for Red Hat OpenShift security update
- RHSA-2024:3305: Important: varnish:6 security update
- RHSA-2024:3304: Important: libreoffice security fix update
- RHSA-2024:2929: Important: logging for Red Hat OpenShift security update
- RHSA-2024:3315: Important: OpenShift Virtualization 4.13.9 Images security update
- RHSA-2024:3316: Important: Migration Toolkit for Applications security and bug fix update
- RHSA-2024:3313: Important: postgresql-jdbc security update
- RHSA-2024:3303: Moderate: libxml2 security update
- RHSA-2024:3309: Important: glibc security update
- RHSA-2024:3314: Important: OpenShift Virtualization 4.15.2 Images security update
- RHSA-2024:3307: Important: tomcat security and bug fix update
- RHSA-2024:2874: Moderate: OpenShift Container Platform 4.13.42 security and extras update
- RHSA-2024:2933: Important: logging for Red Hat OpenShift security update
- RHSA-2024:3308: Important: tomcat security and bug fix update
- RHSA-2024:3354: Important: Red Hat Fuse 7.13.0 release and security update
- RHSA-2024:3344: Important: glibc security update
- RHSA-2024:2877: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.13.42 packages and security update
- RHSA-2024:3345: Important: .NET 8.0 security update
- RHSA-2024:3346: Important: git-lfs security update
- RHSA-2024:2875: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.13.42 bug fix and security update
- RHSA-2024:3341: Moderate: gdk-pixbuf2 security update
- RHSA-2024:3347: Important: python3 security update
- RHSA-2024:3340: Important: .NET 7.0 security update
- RHSA-2024:3343: Important: xorg-x11-server-Xwayland security update
- RHSA-2024:3352: Important: Red Hat OpenStack Platform 16.2 (etcd) security update
- RHSA-2024:2901: Low: Custom Metrics Autoscaler Operator for Red Hat OpenShift 2.12.1-394 Security Update
- RHSA-2024:3339: Important: glibc security update
- RHSA-2024:3338: Moderate: thunderbird security update
- RHSA-2024:3324: Important: pcp security, bug fix, and enhancement update
- RHSA-2024:3323: Important: pcp security update
- RHSA-2024:3325: Important: pcp security update
- RHSA-2024:3321: Important: pcp security update
- RHSA-2024:3322: Important: pcp security update
Slackware Linux
SUSE Linux
- openSUSE-SU-2024:0135-1: moderate: Security update for gitui
- openSUSE-SU-2024:0137-1: important: Security update for chromium
- SUSE-SU-2024:1762-1: important: Security update for perl
- SUSE-SU-2024:1698-1: moderate: Security update for python310
- SUSE-SU-2024:1704-1: low: Security update for cairo
- SUSE-SU-2024:1673-1: critical: Security update for python-Pillow
- SUSE-SU-2024:1659-1: important: Security update for the Linux Kernel
- SUSE-SU-2024:1639-1: important: Security update for python-arcomplete, python-Fabric, python-PyGithub, python-antlr4-python3-runtime, python-avro, python-chardet, python-distro, python-d ...
- SUSE-SU-2024:1641-1: important: Security update for the Linux Kernel
- SUSE-SU-2024:1642-1: important: Security update for the Linux Kernel
- SUSE-SU-2024:1644-1: important: Security update for the Linux Kernel
- SUSE-SU-2024:1647-1: important: Security update for the Linux Kernel
- SUSE-SU-2024:1634-1: moderate: Security update for openssl-3
- SUSE-SU-2024:1635-1: moderate: Security update for tpm2-0-tss
- SUSE-SU-2024:1636-1: moderate: Security update for tpm2.0-tools
- SUSE-SU-2024:1624-1: important: Security update for python-Werkzeug
- openSUSE-SU-2024:0138-1: moderate: Security update for qt6-networkauth
- openSUSE-SU-2024:0139-1: important: Security update for cJSON
Ubuntu Linux
- [USN-6777-2] Linux kernel (Azure) vulnerabilities
- [USN-6766-3] Linux kernel (AWS) vulnerabilities
- [USN-6779-1] Firefox vulnerabilities
- [USN-6780-1] idna vulnerability
- [USN-6781-1] Spreadsheet::ParseExcel vulnerability
- [USN-6777-3] Linux kernel (GCP) vulnerabilities
- [USN-6775-2] Linux kernel vulnerabilities
- [USN-6782-1] Thunderbird vulnerabilities
- [USN-6663-3] OpenSSL update
- [USN-6783-1] VLC vulnerabilities
- [USN-6736-2] klibc vulnerabilities
- [USN-6777-4] Linux kernel (HWE) vulnerabilities
- [USN-6785-1] GNOME Remote Desktop vulnerability
- [USN-6784-1] cJSON vulnerabilities