Date: 2024-07-27 05:30 | Last update:

Linux Security

Need help security your Linux system? Here you can post your questions and sharing tips and tricks

Everything Linux 1798 Linux Software 434 Linux Games 157 Linux Hardware 765 Linux Networking 361 Linux Security 40 Linux Customization Tweaking 106 Slack Space 1613 Feedback 1316


Iptables for different types of NAT

Hi If anybody worked on Iptables,please help me in implementing each type of NAT -Full Cone NAT -Restricted Cone NAT -Port Restricted Cone NAT -Symmetric NAT using IPTables. Expalnation: • Full Cone: A full cone NAT is one where all requests from the same internal IP address and port are mapped to the same extern ...
0 15679
avatar Last reply by RaMs on

linux tips and tricks

Linux Shortcuts and Commands: Linux Newbie Administrator Guide This is a practical selection of the commands we use most often. Press <Tab> to see the listing of all available command (on your PATH).
4 8077
avatar Last reply by prakash0106 on


Hello is there a good firwall to use with red hat 8. 0 ? scout.
4 5963
avatar Last reply by prakash0106 on

iptables GUI

Hello is there a good gui for iptabales??? if so, where can i find it?? God Bless
17 45425
avatar Last reply by prakash0106 on


im using this forum to figure out what new poll does! Whats Your favorite linux Distro? (i know there are going to be people who think they are smart and say they are all good. but read what i ask befor u say that).
7 6527
avatar Last reply by prakash0106 on

Is LINUX the answer?

I have a small home network, consisting of two desktops and a laptop (all running WIN XP Pro). The network runs both Ethernet and wireless. One of the desktops is dedicated to running just ZoneAlarm, AVG, SpyBot and a mailserver (MailTraq).
13 10185
avatar Last reply by prakash0106 on

Securing a network

I have a small network with two w2k workstations and a w2k web/email (apache / ArGo) servers. I am connected to the internet with a Linksys router from a cable modem. I also have a third computer with fc3 on it.
3 7598
avatar Last reply by prakash0106 on

password problem

I am an absolute newbie but somehow I managed to install mandrake 10. 1 I've locked the screen and I've forgotten my password. What can I do ?.
6 6922
avatar Last reply by prakash0106 on

bypass the password on Linux CentOS

Does anyone know if there is any boot cd/disk which will let me to bypass the password and login into Linux Centos. There are no passwords available and I need somewhow to get into the system. I would greatly appreciate your help.
5 17004
avatar Last reply by prakash0106 on


Hi every one, Please let me know how can i bolck in squid file transfering on msn ??? Regards, Yuvraj
2 6414
avatar Last reply by prakash0106 on

Security Updates for CentOS 4.6

I am just learning how to use Linux OS's. I have a CentOS 4. 6 operating system. Is there a way to setup automatic security updates on CentOS 4. 6 operating systems? Are the updates free?.
0 6682
avatar Last reply by nturner on

Better than Backtrack

I have played with a lot of security tools on Linux and I am just wondering, is there any other distro out there as powerfull as Backtrack? The only other ones I like are PHLAX and Pentoo, but neither feel as smooth, or have the same tools.
0 10022
avatar Last reply by Darksat on

not connecting to secure sites, servers... etc

k here is my prob. . . i go to log in to my web sites cpanel. . . and it times out (on windows i never had this problem), i go to log in to hotmail it times out, on kopete all the services in that dont connect, external connections to me time out, ftp times out.
1 7019
avatar Last reply by danleff on

Firewall of Choice?

I'm thinking of running my own Linux (of course) based server and I'm looking for a firewall app that will let me block all but select ports (80, 21, 22, 25, etc. ) from all IP addresses. Also, It would be great if that same app could block IP addresses that I specify.
2 6543
avatar Last reply by Jimxugle on

Using Evolution Email With Firefox Browser

I am using Evolution 2. 0 email with Firefox 1. 0. 2 for my browser with my Mandrake Powerpack 10. 1 Linux system. Both Evolution and Firefox were installed by RPM's. The problem I'm having is when I open an email in Evolution, which displays a clickable link to open in Firefox, I cannot automatically open Firefox ...
2 16453
avatar Last reply by zenarcher on

Spyware? Virus?

I've been using Linux for the last couple of years from Mandrake, red-hat, fedora, etc. . . but now I think I really like Knoppix. I must say that linux has really the best OS out there. I love it. I was wondering though.
7 7813
avatar Last reply by LinuxCrusader on

Virus protection for Linux

Dapper Dan
I've been fooling around with. Even though there is a slim chance we could get infected with something, you likely don't want to pass viruses along to our Windows friends. It might come in handy. The interface is console and very easy to use.
4 7449
avatar Last reply by LinuxCrusader on

Linux / Firewall / PPPoE xDSL

I am new to the Linux world and had a few questions regarding configuring a Linux box to act as a firewall as well as connect and maintain connection to my xDSL service. As mentioned I would like the Linux box to connect via PPPoE to my ISP (xDSL) and provide firewalling to the rest on my internal segment.
2 8470
avatar Last reply by sudden_mischief on

Stopping file access from the Internet

I kept an article some years ago when I first tried redhat 6. Now some years later I have decided to go back to linux and found this article. It states that if you added in the line ALL: ALL in the file /etc/hosts.
6 6153
avatar Last reply by Dapper Dan on

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