not connecting to secure sites, servers... etc

k here is my prob. . . i go to log in to my web sites cpanel. . . and it times out (on windows i never had this problem), i go to log in to hotmail it times out, on kopete all the services in that dont connect, external connections to me time out, ftp times out.

Linux Security 40 This topic was started by ,


3 Posts
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Joined 2005-07-03
k here is my prob...
i go to log in to my web sites cpanel... and it times out (on windows i never had this problem), i go to log in to hotmail it times out, on kopete all the services in that dont connect, external connections to me time out, ftp times out... all i can really do is brows the web and send/receive mail...
so i figure this is a security issue (appolies for posting in the wrong place if it isnt)... im hoping someone has had this problem and fixed it before and therefore can help me, im using mandrake linux 10.2 LE 2005... thanks
firewall is set to allow everything...

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2895 Posts
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Joined 2002-08-30
I'm in SuSE right now, but are you using Firefox?
If so, go into the Edit menu-->Options/Preferences-->Advanced-->Security.
Make sure that all the SSL preferences are checked, including SSL2.0 & SSL3.0.