Linux Customization Tweaking

My computer is running slow, slow, slow, all of a sudden! Is it possible to have gotten a virus, and or spyware? I am running FC3 on my machine. Also, I get a message when I log in: Could not look up internet address for 68.

Linux tips&tricks
Hi, here you have a website that covers many of the stuff commonly used in Linux:. All content on the site is free and can be shared without permission. .

connecting to to internet with ubuntu
am not having very good luck connecting to the net on my linux box, now it has been years since I have looked at linux, I lust loaded up a ubuntu box and am unfamiliar with it, I have DSL cable or wireless and unsucessfull with either.

stop: c000021a {Fatal System Error} -- newb meets minor heart attack... seeks me
The Session Manager Initialization system process terminated unexpectedly with a status of 0xc000003a (0x00000000 0x00000000). The system has been shut down. that's the whole error message. . . and all I see on the infamous blue screen.

Dual Boot/Multi Linux Distro Help
i have a few questions regarding a setup that will allow me to (1) use bootmagic as my bootloader (2) have multiple versions of linux installed (3) operate XP on drive 1 and various linux distros on drive 2.

need some help un-partitioning my harddrive
ok first off, thank you for the help! so im having a problem unpartitioning my hard drive. a frined of mine thought it would be cool if i had this so he did it for me a long time ago. recently i have been running out of room, because i have a 10 gig harddrive.

mail API support in Linux for programmers
Hello , I am sure that the following problem is not at all new. Some one have already handled this. I would like to know from them, how this can be handled. Application takes the information from a user, through a normal GTK based GUI.

swap (noobie question)
I'm thinking of increasing my swap partition, which is easy enough. but I've recently read up on how to also make a swap file. I was wondering; what are the pros and cons of using a swap file vs a swap partition?.

A Newbie With Problems
Hi. I just installed redhat Linux es 3 on my compaq presario 4000 laptop, (i couldn't get anything else)and I've been trying to configure a lot of stuff (sound, power management, wine, java, etc). I was able to sound drivers, but I've been having problems with the make comand.

Yet another Newbie dual boot question
Hi all; Here is how my system is currently setup: AMD 64 3000 1 Gig RAM 80 Gig IDE hard drive Dual 120 Gig SATA hardware mirrored drives. C:\ is Windows XP32 D:\ DVD burner E:\ DVD burner F:\ is Windows XP64 G:\ harware mirrored SATA drives for My Documents storage C and F are on the same physical drive.

Error Codes
hey guys, Is There any tips or E-Books To Identify The Error codes. So that we can able to rectify the errors. For instance Error 15, Error 27 such that. . . . Thankx.

Untitled thread
I am trying to burn a cd and I've got this message: I really did not understand what happened. After 5 cd losted I gave up to burn. Can you help me? Best regards. System - K3b Version:0. 11. 14 KDE Version: 3.

Make Firefox even faster!
Dapper Dan
While looking around for something else, I found on how to make Firefox even faster than it already is! I tired it, and indeed it does work!

I have been trying for several days to build a LiveCD with the DSL (Damn Small Linux) ISO without any luck. According to what I was told, simply download dsl-1. 5. iso, and burn it to a CD, and it will work.

E17 of Elive livdCD
I'm not sure if many of you have ever heard the desktop manager , but for those of you who are new to the linux community and are acquainted with or only, I would definitely recommend looking into this DM.

"bad eip value"
I'm attempting to install linux on an old HP Vectra 500 which orginally had Win95. The box has a P1 processor with 48 Mb ram and a 1. 2 gig HD. I've partitioned the HD with partition magic with a 300 Mb Dos partition (fresh install of Win95), a 200 Mb Linux swap partition, and the remainder as a linux partition.

Fedora Core 1 Internet setup
I recently installed Core 1 on a new hard drive. Everything seemed ok , except I can't figuire out how to install my old internet service. I downloaded their software for Linux and then installed it, {Netzero.

Installing Mandrake on PC with dual VGA cards
Hi, I have just installed Mandrake LE2005 on my pc (asrock P4I45GV motherboad, with intergrated VGA and Geforce4 on AGP slot), I have tried to make the Geforce as my primary vga but only the onboard vga is detected by Mandrake on setup.

Bootable USB Flash memory (with DOS)
This isn't a new topic. Already there are many guides out there for creating Bootable KNOPPIX on USB Flash card or memory stick. Here, I am looking for a different but also important problem: getting DOS (Dr.

Mandrake 10.2 Installed but....
I have installed Mandrake 10. 2 and all is cool except that during installation I did not select to have all rpm's copied to hdd - I now want to have all the rpm's on disk so I can reinstall any rpms remotely via ssh (I travel alot with work).