Qubes OS 4.2.4 has been released and represents a stable release that brings together security patches, bug fixes, and updates from the prior stable version. The installation method provided is both secure and convenient, utilising a current ISO. The update encompasses all security enhancements, bug resolutions, and an improved Fedora template. Additional information can be found on the downloads page.
Qubes OS 4.2.4-rc1 is now available for testing, incorporating security patches, bug fixes, and updates from the previous stable release. The ISO and verification files can be accessed on the downloads page. Qubes 4.2.4 encompasses all security updates, bug fixes, and features an upgraded Fedora template. Additional details are available in the Qubes OS 4.2 release notes.
A libxl security update is available for Qubes OS:
QSB-106: Information disclosure through uninitialized memory in libxl
QSB-106: Information disclosure through uninitialized memory in libxl
Qubes OS 4.2.has been released with the latest security patches, bug fixes, and other improvements. It provides a secure and convenient installation technique using an up-to-date ISO. The ISO and verification files are available on the downloads page. The release notes for Qubes OS 4.2 provide additional information.
Qubes OS 4.2.3-rc1 is here and ready for some serious testing. This update brings together all the security patches, bug fixes, and other updates that have been made since the last stable release.
Extended security support for Qubes OS 4.1 has ended as of yesterday.
The following security updates is available for both Qubes OS 4.1 and 4.2:
QSB-104: GUI-related security bugs
QSB-104: GUI-related security bugs
A new security update is available for Qubes OS:
QSB-103: Double unlock in x86 guest IRQ handling (XSA-458)
QSB-103: Double unlock in x86 guest IRQ handling (XSA-458)
Qubes OS 4.2.2, a stable release that consolidates security patches, bug fixes, and updates from prior stable releases, has been released. It provides a secure and easy solution for users to install or reinstall the most recent stable Qubes release using an up-to-date ISO. The update contains a Fedora template upgrade and resolves problem #8332.
The first release candidate for Qubes OS 4.2.2 is now available for testing, bringing together security patches, bug fixes, and other upgrades since the last stable version. The update includes all security updates, bug fixes, an upgrade to the Fedora template, and a patch for issue #8332.
Qubes OS 4.1 has reached end-of-life as of today, but will receive extended security support until July 31, 2024.
New Fedora Linux 40 templates have been made available for Qubes OS 4.2. These templates come in three different flavors: standard, minimal, and Xfce.
Updated Xen packages are available for Qubes OS:
QSB-102: Multiple speculative-execution vulnerabilities: Spectre-BHB, BTC/SRSO (XSA-455, XSA-456)
QSB-102: Multiple speculative-execution vulnerabilities: Spectre-BHB, BTC/SRSO (XSA-455, XSA-456)
On June 18, 2024, Qubes OS 4.1 is scheduled to reach its end-of-life (EOL) status. When a release is end-of-life (EOL), it means that future updates, enhancements, and bug fixes will no longer be available for that release.
The stable release of Qubes OS 4.2.1, which includes a consolidation of security patches, bug fixes, and other updates following the release of Qubes 4.2.0, has been made available. In addition to the numerous updates, it comes with the Fedora 39 template, all of the 4.2 dom0 updates, and Linux 6.6.x as the default kernel. After downloading the ISO and following the installation guide, users have the option of installing Qubes OS for the first time or performing a clean reinstallation of previous versions. Users who are currently running Qubes 4.2 are able to update in the usual manner, which will result in their system being equivalent to the stable Qubes 4.2.1 release.
Updated microcode_ctl packages are available for Qubes OS to address Register File Data Sampling (RFDS):
Update for QSB-101: Register File Data Sampling (XSA-452) and Intel Processor Return Predictions Advisory (INTEL-SA-00982)
QSB-101: Register File Data Sampling (XSA-452)
Update for QSB-101: Register File Data Sampling (XSA-452) and Intel Processor Return Predictions Advisory (INTEL-SA-00982)
QSB-101: Register File Data Sampling (XSA-452)
The first release candidate for Qubes OS 4.2.1) is now available for testing. This release candidate brings together all of the security patches, bug fixes, and other updates that have been implemented since the release of Qubes 4.2.0. Whether or not the release will be stable is contingent on the number of bugs found in the RC and the severity of those bugs. As part of the process, bug reports are gathered, the bugs are prioritized, and issues are resolved. The process is repeated until a stable release is declared, and if it is deemed necessary, a new release candidate (RC) is issued, which includes the fixes. The stable release is anticipated to be around March 25th, 2024.
A RFDS security update is available for Qubes OS to address an issue with certain Atom cores from Intel:
QSB-101: Register File Data Sampling (XSA-452)
QSB-101: Register File Data Sampling (XSA-452)
The Qubes operating system has received an update that addresses the inappropriate handling of PCI devices that have phantom functions:
QSB-100: Incorrect handling of PCI devices with phantom functions (XSA-449)
QSB-100: Incorrect handling of PCI devices with phantom functions (XSA-449)
A security update for the policy.RegisterArgument service is available for Qubes OS 4.2 systems.