Oracle Linux 6205 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

The following updates have been released for Oracle Linux:

ELBA-2024-12538 Oracle Linux 8 Unbreakable Enterprise kernel-container bug fix update
ELBA-2024-12545 Oracle Linux 9 sos bug fix update
ELBA-2024-12537 Oracle Linux 8 Unbreakable Enterprise kernel bug fix update
ELSA-2024-4624 Important: Oracle Linux 9 thunderbird security update
ELSA-2024-4623 Important: Oracle Linux 9 qt5-qtbase security update
ELSA-2024-4636 Important: Oracle Linux 9 libndp security update
ELSA-2024-4573 Important: Oracle Linux 9 java-21-openjdk security update
ELSA-2024-4568 Important: Oracle Linux 9 java-17-openjdk security update
ELSA-2024-4583 Important: Oracle Linux 9 kernel security update
ELSA-2024-4567 Important: Oracle Linux 9 java-11-openjdk security update
ELSA-2024-4502 Important: Oracle Linux 9 skopeo security update
ELSA-2024-4563 Important: Oracle Linux 9 java-1.8.0-openjdk security update
ELSA-2024-4500 Important: Oracle Linux 9 firefox security update
ELSA-2024-4620 Important: Oracle Linux 8 libndp security update
ELSA-2024-4635 Important: Oracle Linux 8 thunderbird security update
ELSA-2024-4617 Important: Oracle Linux 8 qt5-qtbase security update
ELSA-2024-4573 Important: Oracle Linux 8 java-21-openjdk security update
ELSA-2024-4567 Important: Oracle Linux 8 java-11-openjdk security update
ELSA-2024-4568 Important: Oracle Linux 8 java-17-openjdk security update
ELSA-2024-4563 Important: Oracle Linux 8 java-1.8.0-openjdk security update
ELSA-2024-4517 Important: Oracle Linux 8 firefox security update
ELSA-2024-4420 Important: Oracle Linux 8 virt:ol and virt-devel:rhel security update
ELSA-2024-4499 Moderate: Oracle Linux 8 ruby security update
ELBA-2024-12544 Oracle Linux 8 sos bug fix update
ELBA-2024-12542 Oracle Linux 8 aardvark-dns bug fix update
ELBA-2024-12543 Oracle Linux 8 grubby bug fix update
ELBA-2024-12541 Oracle Linux 8 keyutils bug fix update
ELBA-2024-12537 Oracle Linux 8 Unbreakable Enterprise kernel bug fix update
ELBA-2024-12539 Oracle Linux 7 Unbreakable Enterprise kernel-container bug fix update
ELBA-2024-12537 Oracle Linux 7 Unbreakable Enterprise kernel bug fix update

Oracle Linux 6205 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Oracle Linux 6205 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Oracle Linux 6205 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

The following updates are available for Oracle Linux:

ELSA-2024-4265 Moderate: Oracle Linux 8 cups security update
ELSA-2024-4260 Moderate: Oracle Linux 8 python-idna security update
ELSA-2024-4264 Low: Oracle Linux 8 openldap security update
ELSA-2024-4259 Moderate: Oracle Linux 8 xmlrpc-c security and bug fix update
ELSA-2024-4256 Important: Oracle Linux 8 less security update
ELSA-2024-4247 Moderate: Oracle Linux 8 libuv security update
ELSA-2024-4249 Low: Oracle Linux 8 c-ares security update
ELSA-2024-4197 Moderate: Oracle Linux 8 httpd:2.4/httpd security update
ELSA-2024-4242 Moderate: Oracle Linux 8 libreoffice security update
ELSA-2024-4244 Moderate: Oracle Linux 8 python3.11-PyMySQL security update
ELSA-2024-4241 Moderate: Oracle Linux 8 iperf3 security update
ELSA-2024-4231 Moderate: Oracle Linux 8 python-jinja2 security update
ELBA-2024-4239 Oracle Linux 8 tigervnc enhancement update
ELSA-2024-4227 Moderate: Oracle Linux 8 python-pillow security update
ELSA-2024-4211 Important: Oracle Linux 8 kernel security and bug fix update
ELBA-2024-4250 Oracle Linux 8 libtirpc bug fix update
ELSA-2024-4246 Moderate: Oracle Linux 8 container-tools security update
ELSA-2024-4237 Moderate: Oracle Linux 8 go-toolset security update
ELBA-2024-4255 Oracle Linux 8 systemd update
ELBA-2024-4263 Oracle Linux 8 krb5 bug fix update
ELBA-2024-4236 Oracle Linux 8 sysstat bug fix update
ELBA-2024-4261 Oracle Linux 8 samba bug fix update
ELBA-2024-4253 Oracle Linux 8 policycoreutils bug fix update
ELBA-2024-4251 Oracle Linux 8 pam bug fix update
ELBA-2024-4254 Oracle Linux 8 kmod-redhat-oracleasm bug fix update
ELSA-2024-4245 Moderate: Oracle Linux 8 python3 security update
ELBA-2024-4230 Oracle Linux 8 cockpit-appstream bug fix update
ELSA-2024-4312 Important: Oracle Linux 9 openssh security update
ELBA-2024-12473 Oracle Linux 7 chkconfig bug fix update (aarch64)
ELBA-2024-12473 Oracle Linux 7 chkconfig bug fix update

Oracle Linux 6205 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Oracle Linux 6205 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Oracle Linux 6205 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Oracle Linux 6205 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Oracle Linux 6205 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Oracle Linux 6205 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Oracle Linux 6205 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Oracle Linux 6205 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

The following updates are available for Oracle Linux:

ELSA-2024-3843 Moderate: Oracle Linux 9 cockpit security update
ELSA-2024-3835 Important: Oracle Linux 9 libreoffice security update
ELSA-2024-3784 Moderate: Oracle Linux 8 thunderbird security update
ELSA-2024-3783 Moderate: Oracle Linux 8 firefox security update
ELSA-2024-3755 Important: Oracle Linux 8 idm:DL1 security update
ELSA-2024-3760 Important: Oracle Linux 7 ipa security update
ELBA-2024-12432 Oracle Linux 7 samba bug fix update (aarch64)
ELBA-2024-12432 Oracle Linux 7 samba bug fix update
ELBA-2024-3624 Oracle Linux 7 scap-security-guide bug fix and enhancement update
ELBA-2024-3829 Oracle Linux 9 cockpit-machines bug fix update
ELBA-2024-3832 Oracle Linux 9 libvirt bug fix update
ELSA-2024-3842 Low: Oracle Linux 9 c-ares security update
ELSA-2024-3837 Important: Oracle Linux 9 389-ds-base security update
ELSA-2024-3834 Moderate: Oracle Linux 9 gdk-pixbuf2 security update
ELSA-2024-3831 Moderate: Oracle Linux 9 containernetworking-plugins security and bug fix update
ELSA-2024-3820 Moderate: Oracle Linux 9 fence-agents security update
ELSA-2024-3823 Moderate: Oracle Linux 9 rpm-ostree security update
ELBA-2024-3845 Oracle Linux 9 grub2 bug fix update
ELSA-2024-3827 Moderate: Oracle Linux 9 buildah security and bug fix update
ELSA-2024-3826 Moderate: Oracle Linux 9 podman security and bug fix update
ELBA-2024-3841 Oracle Linux 9 rpm-ostree bug fix and enhancement update
ELBA-2024-3848 Oracle Linux 9 samba bug fix update
ELBA-2024-3844 Oracle Linux 9 NetworkManager bug fix and enhancement update
ELBA-2024-3825 Oracle Linux 9 gnome-screenshot bug fix update
ELBA-2024-3840 Oracle Linux 9 golang bug fix update
ELSA-2024-12433 Important: Oracle Linux 9 Unbreakable Enterprise kernel security update
ELBA-2024-3828 Oracle Linux 9 libappstream-glib bug fix update
ELBA-2024-3624 Oracle Linux 9 scap-security-guide bug fix and enhancement update
ELBA-2024-3822 Oracle Linux 9 qemu-kvm bug fix update
ELBA-2024-3821 Oracle Linux 9 socat bug fix update
ELBA-2024-12431 Oracle Linux 9 samba bug fix update
ELSA-2024-12433 Important: Oracle Linux 9 Unbreakable Enterprise kernel security update
ELSA-2024-3741 Important: Oracle Linux 7 bind, bind-dyndb-ldap, and dhcp security update (aarch64)
ELSA-2024-3741 Important: Oracle Linux 7 bind, bind-dyndb-ldap, and dhcp security update
ELSA-2024-12433 Important: Oracle Linux 8 Unbreakable Enterprise kernel security update
ELSA-2024-3838 Moderate: Oracle Linux 9 ruby security update
ELSA-2024-3846 Moderate: Oracle Linux 9 python-idna security update
ELSA-2024-3830 Moderate: Oracle Linux 9 gvisor-tap-vsock security and bug fix update

Oracle Linux 6205 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Oracle Linux 6205 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Oracle Linux 6205 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Oracle Linux 6205 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Oracle Linux 6205 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Oracle Linux 6205 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Oracle Linux 6205 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Oracle Linux 6205 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Oracle Linux 6205 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Oracle Linux 6205 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Simon Coter has announced the availability of Oracle Linux 9 Update 4, the most recent version of the corporate operating system for distributed computing environments. It supports open source and Enterprise Linux binary compatibility, ensuring that programs work seamlessly. The upgrade is currently available for 64-bit Intel and AMD platforms, and it is compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.4.

Oracle Linux 6205 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

The following updates are available for Oracle Linux:

ELBA-2024-12376 Oracle Linux 7 chkconfig bug fix update (aarch64)
ELSA-2024-12377 Important: Oracle Linux 8 Unbreakable Enterprise kernel security update
ELSA-2024-12380 Moderate: Oracle Linux 8 Unbreakable Enterprise kernel-container security update
ELBA-2024-12369 Oracle Linux 8 Unbreakable Enterprise kernel-container bug fix update
ELBA-2024-12367 Oracle Linux 8 Unbreakable Enterprise kernel bug fix update
ELBA-2024-12379 Oracle Linux 8 linux-firmware bug fix update
ELSA-2024-12377 Important: Oracle Linux 8 Unbreakable Enterprise kernel security update
ELBA-2024-12371 Oracle Linux 9 Unbreakable Enterprise kernel bug fix update
ELSA-2024-2758 Moderate: Oracle Linux 9 kernel security and bug fix update
ELBA-2024-12379 Oracle Linux 9 linux-firmware bug fix update
ELSA-2024-2566 Important: Oracle Linux 9 pcp security, bug fix, and enhancement update
ELBA-2024-12372 Oracle Linux 9 anaconda bug fix update
ELBA-2024-12371 Oracle Linux 9 Unbreakable Enterprise kernel bug fix update
ELBA-2024-12370 Oracle Linux 9 kexec-tools bug fix update
ELBA-2024-12371 Oracle Linux 8 Unbreakable Enterprise kernel bug fix update
ELSA-2024-2780 Important: Oracle Linux 8 nodejs:18 security update
ELSA-2024-2778 Important: Oracle Linux 8 nodejs:20 security update
ELSA-2024-2699 Important: Oracle Linux 8 git-lfs security update
ELSA-2024-2722 Important: Oracle Linux 8 glibc security update
ELBA-2024-12367 Oracle Linux 8 Unbreakable Enterprise kernel bug fix update
ELSA-2024-12377 Important: Oracle Linux 7 Unbreakable Enterprise kernel security update
ELSA-2024-12380 Moderate: Oracle Linux 7 Unbreakable Enterprise kernel-container security update
ELBA-2024-12368 Oracle Linux 7 Unbreakable Enterprise kernel-container bug fix update
ELBA-2024-12367 Oracle Linux 7 Unbreakable Enterprise kernel bug fix update
ELSA-2024-12378 Important: Oracle Linux 7 Unbreakable Enterprise kernel security update
ELSA-2024-12378 Important: Oracle Linux 7 Unbreakable Enterprise kernel security update (aarch64)
ELBA-2024-12374 Oracle Linux 7 rpm bug fix update (aarch64)
ELBA-2024-12379 Oracle Linux 7 linux-firmware bug fix update (aarch64)
ELBA-2024-12379 Oracle Linux 7 linux-firmware bug fix update
ELBA-2024-12376 Oracle Linux 7 chkconfig bug fix update

Oracle Linux 6205 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

The following updates have been released for Oracle Linux:

ELBA-2024-2567 Oracle Linux 9 aardvark-dns bug fix and enhancement update
ELEA-2024-2546 Oracle Linux 9 389-ds-base enhancement update
ELSA-2024-2551 Important: Oracle Linux 9 bind security update
ELBA-2024-2557 Oracle Linux 9 containers-common bug fix and enhancement update
ELBA-2024-2561 Oracle Linux 9 gnome-shell, gnome-menus, and gnome-shell-extensions bug fix update
ELBA-2024-2563 Oracle Linux 9 nss bug fix update
ELSA-2024-2724 Important: Oracle Linux 9 git-lfs security update
ELSA-2024-2570 Moderate: Oracle Linux 9 gnutls security update
ELSA-2024-2559 Moderate: Oracle Linux 9 python-jwcrypto security update
ELSA-2024-2616 Important: Oracle Linux 9 tigervnc security update
ELSA-2024-2550 Moderate: Oracle Linux 9 buildah bug fix update
ELSA-2024-2571 Moderate: Oracle Linux 9 sssd security and bug fix update
ELBA-2024-2558 Oracle Linux 9 ipa bug fix update
ELSA-2024-2562 Important: Oracle Linux 9 golang security update
ELSA-2024-2569 Important: Oracle Linux 9 grafana-pcp security update
ELSA-2024-2548 Moderate: Oracle Linux 9 podman security and bug fix update
ELSA-2024-2560 Moderate: Oracle Linux 9 libvirt security and bug fix update
ELSA-2024-2568 Moderate: Oracle Linux 9 grafana security update
ELSA-2024-2679 Moderate: Oracle Linux 9 libxml2 security update
ELSA-2024-2565 Moderate: Oracle Linux 9 libreswan security update
ELBA-2024-2555 Oracle Linux 9 gcc-toolset-12-gcc bug fix update
ELBA-2024-2552 Oracle Linux 9 .NET 6.0 bug fix update
ELBA-2024-2556 Oracle Linux 9 nmstate bug fix update
ELBA-2024-2547 Oracle Linux 9 sushi bug fix update
ELBA-2024-2553 Oracle Linux 9 bootc bug fix update
ELBA-2024-2554 Oracle Linux 9 .NET 8.0 bug fix update
ELSA-2024-2564 Moderate: Oracle Linux 9 mod_http2 security update

Oracle Linux 6205 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Oracle Linux 6205 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Oracle Linux 6205 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Oracle Linux 6205 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

The following security updates are available for Oracle Linux:

ELSA-2024-1912 Important: Oracle Linux 8 firefox security update
ELBA-2024-12339 Oracle Linux 8 aardvark-dns bug fix update
ELSA-2024-1817 Moderate: Oracle Linux 7 java-1.8.0-openjdk security update
ELBA-2024-12338 Oracle Linux 7 selinux-policy bug fix update
ELBA-2024-12333 Oracle Linux 8 selinux-policy bug fix update
ELSA-2024-1908 Important: Oracle Linux 9 firefox security update
ELSA-2024-1939 Low: Oracle Linux 8 thunderbird security update
ELSA-2024-1817 Moderate: Oracle Linux 7 java-1.8.0-openjdk security update (aarch64)
ELSA-2024-1821 Moderate: Oracle Linux 7 java-11-openjdk security update
ELBA-2024-12338 Oracle Linux 7 selinux-policy bug fix update (aarch64)
ELSA-2024-1910 Important: Oracle Linux 7 firefox security update (aarch64)
ELBA-2024-12340 Oracle Linux 9 podman bug fix update
ELSA-2024-1879 Moderate: Oracle Linux 9 gnutls security update
ELBA-2024-1738 Oracle Linux 9 .NET 6.0 bugfix update
ELSA-2024-1935 Low: Oracle Linux 7 thunderbird security update
ELSA-2024-1831 Important: Oracle Linux 6 Extended Lifecycle Support (ELS) kernel security update
ELSA-2024-1935 Low: Oracle Linux 7 thunderbird security update (aarch64)
ELBA-2024-12335 Oracle Linux 8 samba bug fix update
ELSA-2024-1872 Important: Oracle Linux 9 mod_http2 security update
ELSA-2024-1825 Moderate: Oracle Linux 8 java-17-openjdk security update
ELSA-2024-1821 Moderate: Oracle Linux 7 java-11-openjdk security update (aarch64)
ELSA-2024-1784 Moderate: Oracle Linux 8 gnutls security update
ELSA-2024-1825 Moderate: Oracle Linux 9 java-17-openjdk security update
ELSA-2024-1910 Important: Oracle Linux 7 firefox security update

Oracle Linux 6205 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Oracle Linux 6205 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Oracle Linux 6205 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Oracle Linux 6205 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Oracle Linux 6205 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0