Hi every one, Please let me know how can i bolck in squid file transfering on msn ??? Regards, Yuvraj
Hi every one,
Please let me know how can i bolck in squid file transfering on msn ???
Please let me know how can i bolck in squid file transfering on msn ???
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this is my squid configuration
acl FullAccess src <IP>
http_access allow FullAccess
acl DenyAds url_regex "/etc/squid/deny_ads"
deny_info ERR_ADS DenyAds
http_access deny DenyAds
acl DenyFileType url_regex "/etc/squid/deny_type"
#deny_info ERR_FileType DenyFileType
http_access deny DenyFileType
#-------------Default Sites Blocked-----------------------------------
acl DenyAll url_regex "/etc/squid/denyall"
http_access deny DenyAll
#------------Block Flash Video----------------------------------------
acl deny_rep_mime_flashvideo rep_mime_type video/flv
http_reply_access deny deny_rep_mime_flashvideo
#------------Yahoo! Messenger-----------------------------------------
acl ym dstdomain .messenger.yahoo.com .psq.yahoo.com
acl ym dstdomain .us.il.yimg.com .msg.yahoo.com .pager.yahoo.com
acl ym dstdomain .rareedge.com .ytunnelpro.com .chat.yahoo.com
acl ym dstdomain .voice.yahoo.com
acl ymregex url_regex yupdater.yim ymsgr myspaceim
# Other protocols Yahoo!Messenger uses ??
acl ym dstdomain .skype.com .imvu.com
http_access deny ym
http_access deny ymregex
#-----------------Deny You Tube Domain---------------------------------
acl youtube_domains dstdomain .youtube.com .googlevideo.com .ytimg.com
http_access deny youtube_domains
acl x-type req_mime_type -i ^application/octet-stream$
acl x-type req_mime_type -i application/octet-stream
acl x-type req_mime_type -i ^application/x-mplayer2$
acl x-type req_mime_type -i application/x-mplayer2
acl x-type req_mime_type -i ^application/x-oleobject$
acl x-type req_mime_type -i application/x-oleobject
acl x-type req_mime_type -i application/x-pncmd
acl x-type req_mime_type -i ^video/x-ms-asf$
acl x-type req_mime_type -i application/x-shockwave-flash
acl x-type2 rep_mime_type -i ^application/octet-stream$
acl x-type2 rep_mime_type -i application/octet-stream
acl x-type2 rep_mime_type -i ^application/x-mplayer2$
acl x-type2 rep_mime_type -i application/x-mplayer2
acl x-type2 rep_mime_type -i ^application/x-oleobject$
acl x-type2 rep_mime_type -i application/x-oleobject
acl x-type2 rep_mime_type -i application/x-pncmd
acl x-type2 rep_mime_type -i ^video/x-ms-asf$
http_access deny x-type all
http_reply_access deny x-type all
http_access deny x-type2 all
http_reply_access deny x-type2 all
http_access deny x-type all
http_reply_access deny x-type all
acl FullAccRes src <IP>
http_access allow FullAccRes
#---------------------Allowed IP List-----------------------------------------------
acl AllowIPList src "/etc/squid/allow-iplist"
http_access deny !AllowIPList
#---------------------BLUE DART SITES-----------------------------------------------
acl AllowBlue url_regex "/etc/squid/allow-bluedart-url"
acl AllowBlueIP src "/etc/squid/allow-bluedart-client"
http_access allow AllowBlue AllowBlueIP
#---------------------AFTS URL SITES-----------------------------------------------
acl AllowAfts url_regex "/etc/squid/allow-Afts-url"
acl AllowAftsIP src "/etc/squid/allow-Afts-client"
http_access allow AllowAfts AllowAftsIP
#---------------------Exception Sites with Spicific IP Address----------------------
acl AllowURL url_regex "/etc/squid/allow-url"
deny_info http:///error_unblock_url.php AllowURL
acl AllowClient src "/etc/squid/allow-client"
http_access allow AllowURL AllowClient
#-------------------Allow Exchange--------------------------------------------------
acl AllowExURL url_regex "/etc/squid/allow-exchange-url"
acl AllowExClient src "/etc/squid/allow-exchange-iplist"
http_access allow AllowExURL AllowExClient
#########################Allow p2p############################################################################
acl Allowp2pURL url_regex "/etc/squid/allow-p2p-url"
acl Allowp2pClient src "/etc/squid/allow-p2p-iplist"
http_access allow Allowp2pURL Allowp2pClient
#-----------------Remote Office-----------------------------------------------
acl AllowCitiRem url_regex "/etc/squid/allow-citiremote-url"
acl AllowCitiRemIP src "/etc/squid/allow-citiremote-ip"
http_access allow AllowCitiRem AllowCitiRemIP
# Example rule allowing access from your local networks.
# Adapt localnet in the ACL section to list your (internal) IP networks
# from where browsing should be allowed
#http_access allow localnet
http_access allow localhost
# And finally deny all other access to this proxy
http_access deny all
acl FullAccess src <IP>
http_access allow FullAccess
acl DenyAds url_regex "/etc/squid/deny_ads"
deny_info ERR_ADS DenyAds
http_access deny DenyAds
acl DenyFileType url_regex "/etc/squid/deny_type"
#deny_info ERR_FileType DenyFileType
http_access deny DenyFileType
#-------------Default Sites Blocked-----------------------------------
acl DenyAll url_regex "/etc/squid/denyall"
http_access deny DenyAll
#------------Block Flash Video----------------------------------------
acl deny_rep_mime_flashvideo rep_mime_type video/flv
http_reply_access deny deny_rep_mime_flashvideo
#------------Yahoo! Messenger-----------------------------------------
acl ym dstdomain .messenger.yahoo.com .psq.yahoo.com
acl ym dstdomain .us.il.yimg.com .msg.yahoo.com .pager.yahoo.com
acl ym dstdomain .rareedge.com .ytunnelpro.com .chat.yahoo.com
acl ym dstdomain .voice.yahoo.com
acl ymregex url_regex yupdater.yim ymsgr myspaceim
# Other protocols Yahoo!Messenger uses ??
acl ym dstdomain .skype.com .imvu.com
http_access deny ym
http_access deny ymregex
#-----------------Deny You Tube Domain---------------------------------
acl youtube_domains dstdomain .youtube.com .googlevideo.com .ytimg.com
http_access deny youtube_domains
acl x-type req_mime_type -i ^application/octet-stream$
acl x-type req_mime_type -i application/octet-stream
acl x-type req_mime_type -i ^application/x-mplayer2$
acl x-type req_mime_type -i application/x-mplayer2
acl x-type req_mime_type -i ^application/x-oleobject$
acl x-type req_mime_type -i application/x-oleobject
acl x-type req_mime_type -i application/x-pncmd
acl x-type req_mime_type -i ^video/x-ms-asf$
acl x-type req_mime_type -i application/x-shockwave-flash
acl x-type2 rep_mime_type -i ^application/octet-stream$
acl x-type2 rep_mime_type -i application/octet-stream
acl x-type2 rep_mime_type -i ^application/x-mplayer2$
acl x-type2 rep_mime_type -i application/x-mplayer2
acl x-type2 rep_mime_type -i ^application/x-oleobject$
acl x-type2 rep_mime_type -i application/x-oleobject
acl x-type2 rep_mime_type -i application/x-pncmd
acl x-type2 rep_mime_type -i ^video/x-ms-asf$
http_access deny x-type all
http_reply_access deny x-type all
http_access deny x-type2 all
http_reply_access deny x-type2 all
http_access deny x-type all
http_reply_access deny x-type all
acl FullAccRes src <IP>
http_access allow FullAccRes
#---------------------Allowed IP List-----------------------------------------------
acl AllowIPList src "/etc/squid/allow-iplist"
http_access deny !AllowIPList
#---------------------BLUE DART SITES-----------------------------------------------
acl AllowBlue url_regex "/etc/squid/allow-bluedart-url"
acl AllowBlueIP src "/etc/squid/allow-bluedart-client"
http_access allow AllowBlue AllowBlueIP
#---------------------AFTS URL SITES-----------------------------------------------
acl AllowAfts url_regex "/etc/squid/allow-Afts-url"
acl AllowAftsIP src "/etc/squid/allow-Afts-client"
http_access allow AllowAfts AllowAftsIP
#---------------------Exception Sites with Spicific IP Address----------------------
acl AllowURL url_regex "/etc/squid/allow-url"
deny_info http:///error_unblock_url.php AllowURL
acl AllowClient src "/etc/squid/allow-client"
http_access allow AllowURL AllowClient
#-------------------Allow Exchange--------------------------------------------------
acl AllowExURL url_regex "/etc/squid/allow-exchange-url"
acl AllowExClient src "/etc/squid/allow-exchange-iplist"
http_access allow AllowExURL AllowExClient
#########################Allow p2p############################################################################
acl Allowp2pURL url_regex "/etc/squid/allow-p2p-url"
acl Allowp2pClient src "/etc/squid/allow-p2p-iplist"
http_access allow Allowp2pURL Allowp2pClient
#-----------------Remote Office-----------------------------------------------
acl AllowCitiRem url_regex "/etc/squid/allow-citiremote-url"
acl AllowCitiRemIP src "/etc/squid/allow-citiremote-ip"
http_access allow AllowCitiRem AllowCitiRemIP
# Example rule allowing access from your local networks.
# Adapt localnet in the ACL section to list your (internal) IP networks
# from where browsing should be allowed
#http_access allow localnet
http_access allow localhost
# And finally deny all other access to this proxy
http_access deny all