Archive for November 2023

Alpine 3.15.11, 3.16.8, 3.17.6, and 3.18.5 released 0
Pgpool-II 4.4.5, 4.3.8, 4.2.15, 4.1.18 and 4.0.25 released 0
Heroic Games Launcher 2.11.0 released 0
Godot 4.2 released 0
4MLinux 44.0 released 0
KDE neon 20231130 released 0
RAIJINTEK PONOS Ultra MS4 Mid-Tower Review and more 0
Mesa 23.3.0 released 0
Samba 4.18.9 released 0
KDiagram 3.0.0 released 0
KWeatherCore 0.8.0 released 0
ELA-1012-1 strongswan security update 0
USN-6528-1: OpenJDK 8 vulnerabilities 0
USN-6527-1: OpenJDK vulnerabilities 0
USN-6519-2: EC2 hibagent update 0
USN-6521-1: GIMP vulnerabilities 0
USN-6525-1: pysha3 vulnerability 0
USN-6522-1: FreeRDP vulnerabilities 0
USN-6523-1: u-boot-nezha vulnerability 0
USN-6526-1: GStreamer Bad Plugins vulnerabilities 0
USN-6524-1: PyPy vulnerability 0
ELSA-2023-7509 Important: Oracle Linux 7 firefox security update (aarch64) 0
ELSA-2023-7505 Important: Oracle Linux 7 thunderbird security update 0
ELBA-2023-13013 Oracle Linux 7 Unbreakable Enterprise kernel bug fix update 0
ELBA-2023-13012 Oracle Linux 8 Unbreakable Enterprise kernel bug fix update 0
ELSA-2023-7509 Important: Oracle Linux 7 firefox security update 0
ELBA-2023-7468 Oracle Linux 7 systemd bug fix update 0
ELBA-2023-13014 Oracle Linux 8 Unbreakable Enterprise kernel-container bug fix update 0
ELBA-2023-12973 Oracle Linux 8 oracle-ovirt-release-45-el8 bug fix update 0
ELBA-2023-7423-1 Oracle Linux 7 kernel bug fix update 0
ELBA-2023-7468 Oracle Linux 7 systemd bug fix update (aarch64) 0
ELSA-2023-7505 Important: Oracle Linux 7 thunderbird security update (aarch64) 0
ELBA-2023-13013 Oracle Linux 8 Unbreakable Enterprise kernel bug fix update 0
ELBA-2023-13015 Oracle Linux 7 Unbreakable Enterprise kernel-container bug fix update 0
ELBA-2023-13012 Oracle Linux 9 Unbreakable Enterprise kernel bug fix update 0
ELBA-2023-13013 Oracle Linux 8 Unbreakable Enterprise kernel bug fix update 0
ELSA-2023-7465 Important: Oracle Linux 9 squid security update 0
ELEA-2023-7252 Oracle Linux 9 nodejs:20 bug fix and enhancement update 0
ELSA-2023-7253 Moderate: Oracle Linux 9 dotnet8.0 security update 0
ELSA-2023-7257 Moderate: Oracle Linux 9 dotnet6.0 security update 0
ELBA-2023-7211 Oracle Linux 8 krb5 bug fix update 0
ELSA-2023-7508 Important: Oracle Linux 8 firefox security update 0
ELSA-2023-7507 Important: Oracle Linux 9 firefox security update 0
ELBA-2023-6739 Oracle Linux 9 .NET 6.0 bugfix update 0
ELBA-2023-13009 Oracle Linux 9 ocfs2-tools bug fix update 0
ELSA-2023-7255 Moderate: Oracle Linux 9 dotnet7.0 security update 0
ELSA-2023-7501 Important: Oracle Linux 9 thunderbird security update 0
ELSA-2023-7500 Important: Oracle Linux 8 thunderbird security update 0
ELSA-2023-7467 Moderate: Oracle Linux 8 samba security update 0
ELBA-2023-13012 Oracle Linux 9 Unbreakable Enterprise kernel bug fix update 0