SparkyLinux 75 Published by

New ISO images (LXQt, MATE, Xfce, KDE, MinimalGUI, and MinimalCLI) of SparkyLinux rolling edition based on Debian GNU/Linux 12 Bookworm (testing) are now available.

Sparky 2021.10

Sparky 2021.10 of the (semi-)rolling line is out; it is based on Debian testing “Bookworm”.


This iso update provides:
– all packages upgraded as of October 12, 2021
– Linux kernel 5.14.9
– Calamares
– i386 libs removed from amd64 iso images
– small improvements

No reinstallation is required if you installed Sparky 2021.09, simply keep it up to date.

New iso images of Sparky semi-rolling can be downloaded from the download/rolling page

Sparky 2021.10 - SparkyLinux