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Sabayon Linux x86/x86-64 3.5 Loop 1 has been released

Distribution features:
This is a beta release. BETA BETA BETA BETA
New theme, new logo, new ideas, new stuff! Gosh, it's all new oh oh ohhhh!
Introducing Entropy Binary Package Managing infrastructure, featuring equo package manager client and repository services at
- Read Entropy Project Manifesto
- Repositories now contain "only" 4000 packages. But will grow up to 10000 by the end of the 3.5 development cycle.
- Equo client is at your service: equo --help - be advised it is a working beta release!
- Installer has been completely rewritten and polished to work with Entropy and an inner "Update installer" button has been added.
- Installer can now virtually update any Gentoo-based system using Entropy. You want to switch to Sabayon? Do it!
Linux Kernel featuring extended wireless and laptop support, Ext4, UnionFS and AUFS support
Both architectures are now based on GCC 4.2 and Python 2.5
x86 architecture has been completely recompiled with i686 optimizations
X.Org 7.3 release featuring NVIDIA 169.07 and AMD 8.42.3 (see known issues below for the latter)
Enhanced Desktop featuring Compiz Fusion 0.6.2 using AIGLX (on by default where available)
Gaming! Sauerbraten, Warsow, Dangerdeep, Nexuiz included as top-tier 3D games!
GeeXboX 1.1 to transform your PC into a full Media Center
KDE updated to 3.5.8 also featuring KDE 4.0 RC2 Games!
Full KDE 4.0 RC2 and XFCE 4.4 availabe in our Entropy repository!
GNOME updated to 2.20.1
Improved reliability of NetworkManager stack (including updated nm-applet and KNetworkManager)
Introducing NetworkSettings tool to graphically configure your network cards settings
At shut down, Live system will now eject the DVD before halting
ISOLINUX has been updated to 3.51 featuring a new theme
A lot, lot, lot (oh oh oh!) mooore!

Known issues:
Elisa Media Center is known to not work
AMD video drivers hang during the first X session startup (known issue and latest drivers didn't work at all with X.Org 7.3)
To workaround this, just press F5 at the boot menu and write "noaccelmanager" then press Enter or just try to boot without fglrx drivers, writing "noproprietary"
Update the installer before starting an Upgrade (only for this) - tarinfo Python module didn't work well with aspell-* packages, it's been already workarounded in Entropy SVN repository. The updated installer will just take care of this without crashing.
UnionFS 2.1.11 causes system freezes with 2.6.23 kernels, that's why we switched to AUFS, be advised.
Sabayon Linux x86/x86-64 3.5 Loop 1