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A press release from Open-Xchange Inc.:

More than 100 Improvements Extend Usability, Security and Integration Capabilities for Leading Open Source Collaboration Suite

TARRYTOWN, NY, April 25, 2006 – Open-Xchange, Inc. today released a comprehensive feature update for the community edition of Open-Xchange Server -- adding more than 100 improvements in the usability and integration capabilities of the leading open source collaboration software and also released the core content under a Creative Commons Deed.

Open-Xchange Server 0.8.2 provides key messaging functions like email, calendaring, contacts and task management -- fully integrated with advanced groupware features such as document sharing, project tracking, user forums, and a knowledge base. Open-Xchange Server 0.8.2 offers major productivity improvements through object “linking’ and ‘permissioning’ and works with all common web browsers.

“Open-Xchange appreciates the help and support of its community and is giving something back," said Dan Kusnetzky, executive vice president Marketing Strategy for Open-Xchange. "The Open-Xchange community edition 0.8.2 is giving community members the enhancements found in Service Pack 1 for the commercial version of Open-Xchange Server.”

Creative Commons Deed
The combination of the Free Software Foundation’s GPL and the Creative Commons Organization’s Creative Commons Deed allows Open-Xchange, Inc. to share both the Open-Xchange Server content and the source code with the community. The icons, menus and other copyrighted content that makes up the community edition of Open-Xchange server is now being made available through a Creative Commons Deed.

The full legal code of Creative Commons License “Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5” can be found on the Creative Commons web site

Upgrades include:
GUI and usability enhancements for Contacts and Calendar including new Calendar look-and-feel, customizable layout for contact lists and extended print functionality for selected contacts.
Optimized Outlook Support for public and shared folders, attachments and distribution lists
MySQL support
Enhanced interfaces for both Voice over IP and Text over IP applications including Skype
Optimized SyncML support allowing any SyncML enabled device or handheld to share information with Open-Xchange
Extended search capabilities allowing users search across all Open-Xchange modules
Improved visualization of projects in the project management module — including GANTT chart support
Distributed Mail Server Support providing higher levels of availability and better performance
Enhanced directory service integration making it easier for Open-Xchange to take part in established organizational networks
Better support for Java 1.5
iCAL improvements allowing calendar synchronization with most iCAL enabled calendar management systems.
RSS feed support allowing users to gather information from network news sources
Security Enhancements to protect both the connections between client systems and the Open-Xchange server and the Open-Xchange server and the network

For a detailed list of new features please visit

About the Community Edition of Open-Xchange Server
Open-Xchange Server is one of the most active and fastest growing open source projects to date. Launched in August 2004, Open-Xchange Server now ranks #5 out of 358 groupware projects on website, #1 in document repositories, #4 in handhelds, and overall #178 out of 40,522 listed projects. The Open-Xchange community website,, is visited by 170,000 unique visitors each month, the GPL version of Open-Xchange Server is downloaded more than 9,000 times each month.

About Open-Xchange Inc.
Open-Xchange Inc. delivers Smart Collaboration:tm: in the form of reliable and scalable groupware, collaboration, and messaging solutions. Its flagship product, Open-Xchange Server, is the market-leading collaboration server that combines best-of-breed open source software with commercial software add-ons and connectors. Open-Xchange Server is among the most popular and most active open source projects in the world today. Open-Xchange Inc. is headquartered in Tarrytown, NY, with research & development and operations concentrated in Olpe and Nuremberg, Germany. For more information, please visit

About Creative Commons
Creative Commons is a nonprofit organization that offers flexible copyright licenses for creative works. Creative Commons deeds provide a flexible range of protection and freedoms for authors, artists, and educators. We have built upon the "all rights reserved" concept of traditional copyright to offer a voluntary "some rights reserved" approach. For more information, please visit
