Archive for April 2006

Xubuntu v6.06 Dapper Drake Beta 2 Screenshots 0
DSA 1047-1: New resmgr packages fix unauthorised access 0
Quake 4 v1.2.1 - SMP A Reality? 0
Xubuntu 6.06 Beta 2 Released 0
ATI PowerPlay Reanalyzed 0
The Future of Linux's Coexistence with Windows 0
Ubuntu Developer Summit 0
GLSA 200604-18 Mozilla Suite: Multiple vulnerabilities 0
SUSE Security Summary Report SUSE-SR:2006:009 0
Centralized Syslog Server Using syslog-NG 0
SimplyMEPIS 6.0-beta1 Linux Release 0
GQ LDAP client 1.0.0 0
Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Edubuntu 6.06 LTS Beta 2 released 0
SUSE Linux 10.1 RC3 0
[SECURITY] Fedora Core 4 Update: libtiff-3.7.1-6.fc4.1 0
[SECURITY] Fedora Core 5 Update: libtiff-3.7.4-4 0
Fedora Core 5 Update: gnbd-kernel-2.6.15-5.FC5.26 0
Fedora Core 5 Update: cman-kernel- 0
Fedora Core 5 Update: dlm-kernel- 0
Fedora Core 5 Update: GFS-kernel- 0
Fedora Core 5 Update: tetex-3.0-19.fc5 0
USN-275-1: Mozilla vulnerabilities 0
Fedora Core 5 Update: libstdc++so7-4.2.0-0.3.20060203.3 0
Fedora Core 5 Update: gnome-user-share-0.10-1.fc5.1 0
Fedora Core 5 Update: gnome-games-2.14.1-1.fc5.3 0
Fedora Core 5 Update: gnome-vfs2-2.14.1-1.fc5.2 0
USN-274-1: MySQL vulnerability 0
Fedora Core 5 Update: rhythmbox- 0
Pango-1.12.2 released 0
CESA-2006:0276 Moderate CentOS 4 axp php - security update 0
DSA 1046-1: New Mozilla packages fix several vulnerabilities 0
DSA 1045-1: New OpenVPN packages fix arbitrary code execution 0
ASRock 939NF4G-SATA2 Review 0
CEBA-2006:0427-001 CentOS 4 x86_64 fontconfig - bugfix update 0
GLSA 200604-17 Ethereal: Multiple vulnerabilities in protocol dissectors 0
GARNOME 2.15.1 0
GNOME 2.15.1 0
Fedora Core 4 Update: system-config-date-1.8.3-0.fc4.1 0
Fedora Core 5 Update: system-config-date-1.8.3-0.fc5.1 0
Fedora Core 5 Update: pygtk2-2.8.6-0.fc5.1 0
Damn Small Linux 2.4 RC2 0
Cluster Resources, Inc. announces support and maintenance services for Gold Accounting 0
GLSA 200604-15 xine-ui: Format string vulnerabilities 0
GLSA 200604-16 xine-lib: Buffer overflow vulnerability 0
DSA 1044-1: New Mozilla Firefox packages fix several vulnerabilities 0
[SECURITY] Fedora Core 4 Update: ethereal-0.99.0-fc4.1 0
Fedora Core 5 Update: selinux-policy-2.2.34-3.fc5 0
Fedora Core 5 Update: nut-2.0.3-0.1.fc5 0
Fedora Core 4 Update: nut-2.0.3-0.fc4.2 0
MCNLive Leuven Screenshots 0