Ubuntu 6675 Published by

Xubuntu 6.06 Beta 2 has been released:

The Ubuntu/Xubuntu teams are proud to present the second beta release of Xubuntu 6.06.

Since it shares the common base system and the Desktop CD installer with Ubuntu 6.06 Beta 2, this release contains the fixes mentioned in the Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Edubuntu announcement.


NOTE that although the text-mode install CD also forms part of this release, it has not been modified since Beta 1. To get the changes since Beta 1, use the daily builds of the install CD images.

The Xubuntu Desktop CD now logs in automatically. Beta 1 had a bug and prompted for a user name and password that were not mentioned prominently.

The Xubuntu-specific installer bug of freezing when selecting the time zone has also been corrected.

== Downloading ==


Please download using Bittorrent if possible.

The final version of Xubuntu 6.06 is expected to be released in June.

== New since Beta 1 ==

* the artwork is more consistent, and it is going to be further polished for the release
* the Xarchiver archive manager is added
* several new panel plugins are added (battery, weather, xkb, verve, etc.)
* the Xfce core components are updated to 4.4beta1 or later snapshots to
fix several bugs and to add new translations

== Hardware requirements ==

* to run the live Desktop CD a minimum of 128M of RAM is required
* to install to disk using the Desktop CD installer, a root partition of at least 1.2G is required.

== Known issues ==

* rebooting from the Desktop CD can fail so manual reboot is required
* the Software Properties application from the menu won't run

== Feedback and helping ==

Visit the Contributing section of the following wiki page
