MX Linux 24 Published by

The final version of MX Linux 21 has been released.

MX-21 “Wildflower” released!

MX-21 now available!


October 21, 2021

Updated iso images

–direct download:

Xfce Desktop

32 bit Xfce with debian standard 5.10 kernel  sha256_checksum  md5_checksum  signature

64 bit Xfce with debian standard 5.10 kernel  sha256_checksum  md5_checksum  signature

the Xfce based “ahs” edition will be available at a later date.

KDE/Plasma Desktop

64 bit KDE/plasma with Debian standard 5.10 kernel  sha256_checksum  md5_checksum  signature


32 bit Fluxbox with Debian standard 5.10 kernel  sha256_checksum  md5_checksum  signature

64 bit Fluxbox with Debian standard 5.10 kernel  sha256_checksum  md5_checksum  signature

Mirrors will populate over time. Other download locations:

Torrents here:

We are pleased to offer MX-21 for your use.

Things that are new in MX-21:

Debian 11 “bullseye” base
New and updated applications.
New installer partition selection/management area, including some lvm support if lvm volume exists already and the ability to set existing data partitions to be mounted on install.
New UEFI live system boot menus. UEFI live users can now select your live boot options (persistence, etc…) from the boot menu and submenus rather than using the previous console menus.
Xfce 4.16, Plasma 5.20, fluxbox 1.3.7 with mx-fluxbox 3.0 configs
User password (sudo) for admin tasks by default. You can switch this in mx-tweak->Other tab.
MX-Tour showing an overview of each desktop environment
Translation updates!
MX-Comfort default theming, including dark variants and “thick border” Xfwm variants.
Mesa vulkan drivers are installed by default
Better realtek wifi support
A ton of customization and custom scripts in MX-Fluxbox

-antiX live system changes

UEFI Live boot menus
Extra “rollback” boot option now exposed in menus
The live system will likely not boot on systems with secure boot enabled (at least for now…)

Thank you to all the contributors, supporters, and enthusiasts. MX-21 is for you.

Special thanks to:

To all the beta testers, we can’t name you all, but thank you, thank you, thank you!
To the Fluxbox users in the forum that contributed to the new Fluxbox configurations, but especially PPC, ceeslans, kobaian, Girafenaine and Melber.
Forum guides JayM and Huckleberry, for reaching out to nearly every user on the MX forums.
To ak-47 for the impressive work on the installer’s extended features.
To stevo, timkb4cp, mmikeinsantarosa, and SwampRabbit for all the work on the repos and package porting.
To asqwerth and the art team for the new MX-Comfort theme family and the fantastic art contributions from some amazing artists that contributed the artwork for this release.(attributions found  here).
To fehlix for the fine work on the antiX live system, and troubleshooting pretty much everywhere else in the MX ecosystem.
To Dave Keogh for the work on the Xfce docklike plugin.
To knelsonmeiseter for the help with systemd-shim.
To the Forum Moderator team of richb, Eadwine Rose, Utopia, and chrispop99 for keeping things from getting too hot, especially during beta test.
To peregrine for all the work on the website, blog, and help files.
To Jerry3904, for the documentation and fluxbox configs, and pretty much any other thankless job we can find.
To adrian & m_pav for taking on iso building duties for KDE/plasma and fluxbox release isos.
To anticapitilista, BitJam, and antiX-dave for the work on the antiX live system and antiX repos.
To ravrett, for keeping the translations coming!
and to the rest of the dev team, who put up with a lot to test things that never go public.


sysVinit remains the default init system. systemd is available as a boot option on installed systems (but not on live systems). In other words, exactly the same as MX19.

Known issues with MX 21 final:

Some users with intel video chipsets may need to use “i915.invert_brightness=1” boot code as some machines apparently have brightness values backwards in the driver. There are options in the various live boot menus for this.

The fluxbox Settings Manager may appear missing a column. This is addressed in an update that is already available.

Migration notes are at

Any specific bugs can go to our Bug Manager at

If posting hardware issues, please post the output of “quick-system-info” from the menu or terminal, at a minimum.

If posting nvidia-installer issues, please post the contents of /var/log/ddm.log.

If posting remaster issues, please include the contents of /var/log/live/live-remaster.log

If posting installer issues, please include the contents of /var/log/minstall.log

If posting issues with MX-PackageInstaller “Popular Apps”, please post contents of /var/log/mxpi.log or /var/log/mxpi.log.old (whichever contains the log of your issue).

Thank you!

Dolphin Oracle (on behalf of the MX Dev Team)

The team in no particular order: adrian, peregrine, richb, kmathern, timkb4cp, Jerry3904, m_pav, Stevo, Eadwine Rose, namida12, Utopia, asqwerth, dolphin_oracle, chrispop99, Gaer Boy, Bitjam, antiX-Dave, anticapitalista, mmikeinsantarosa, SwampRabbit, fehlix, Auro Kumar Sahoo, ravrett, Nite Coder, JayM, Huckleberry, and AK-47.

MX-21 “Wildflower” released! – MX Linux