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The MariaDB Foundation announced MariaDB 11.7.0, a preview of the MariaDB 11.7 series, which includes new features such as methods for generating UUID versions 4 and 7, near-instant binlogging of big transactions, faster crash recovery, cost-based subquery optimization strategy selection, and additional GIS functions.

The release also allows you to change system-versioned tables, return ROW values from stored functions, explicitly name columns in derived tables, and use arbitrary key/value pairs with the CREATE SERVER statement. The update also addresses issues with Daylight Saving Time adjustments and includes MariaDB Vector Search.

MariaDB 11.7.0 preview release available

The MariaDB Foundation is pleased to announce the availability of  MariaDB 11.7.0, a preview of the MariaDB 11.7 series. MariaDB 11.7 will be a  rolling release.

MariaDB 11.7.0 introduces numerous new features, in particular

* Functions to generate UUID version 4 and version 7. A contribution by Stefano Petrilli.
* Near-instant binlogging of large transactions (avoid copying into the binary log). A contribution by Song Libing.
* Faster crash recovery where prepared transactions are rolled back asynchronously. A contribution by Song Libing.
* Cost-based choice between subquery optimization strategies in UPDATE and DELETE
* New GIS functions: ST_Validate()MBRCoveredBy()ST_Simplify()ST_GeoHash()ST_LatFromGeoHash()ST_LongFromGeoHash(), ST_IsValid(), ST_Collect(). A Google Summer of Code 2024 project by Stefano Petrilli.
* System-versioned tables can be ALTERed from having implicit to explicit versioning columns without losing the history.
* Stored functions can return ROW values.
* Columns in derived tables can be explicitly named. This is particularly useful for table value constructors (VALUES() syntax).
CREATE SERVER statement can accept arbitrary key/value pairs for engines that understand them. Namely, for Spider. SHOW CREATE SERVER was added to see how a server was created.
SESSION_USER() is no longer an alias for USER(), but shows the account that created the session. Unlike CURRENT_USER it does not change inside stored routines.
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP now actually returns a TIMESTAMP value, not a DATETIME. This fixes various anomalies around Daylight Saving Time changes.
* Many changes related to system variables — binlog_optimize_thread_schedulingspider_table_crd_thread_count, and spider_table_sts_thread_count were deprecated, slave_abort_blocking_timeout and log_slow_always_query_time were added, max_sort_length causes a warning, when exceeded.

And, last but not least, MariaDB Vector Search.

See the  release notes for details.

MariaDB 11.7.0 preview release available -