Debian 10191 Published by

A mediawiki security update has been released for Debian

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Debian Security Advisory DSA-2891-1 Thijs Kinkhorst
March 30, 2014
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Package : mediawiki, mediawiki-extensions
CVE ID : CVE-2013-2031 CVE-2013-4567 CVE-2013-4568 CVE-2013-4572
CVE-2013-6452 CVE-2013-6453 CVE-2013-6454 CVE-2013-6472
Debian Bug : 729629 706601 742857 742857

Several vulnerabilities were discovered in MediaWiki, a wiki engine.
The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project describers the followin


Cross-site scripting attack via valid UTF-7 encoded sequences
in a SVG file.

CVE-2013-4567 & CVE-2013-4568

Kevin Israel (Wikipedia user PleaseStand) reported two ways
to inject Javascript due to an incomplete blacklist in the
CSS sanitizer function.


MediaWiki and the CentralNotice extension were incorrectly setting
cache headers when a user was autocreated, causing the user's
session cookies to be cached, and returned to other users.


Chris from RationalWiki reported that SVG files could be
uploaded that include external stylesheets, which could lead to
XSS when an XSL was used to include JavaScript.


MediaWiki's SVG sanitization could be bypassed when the XML was
considered invalid.


MediaWiki's CSS sanitization did not filter -o-link attributes,
which could be used to execute JavaScript in Opera 12.


MediaWiki displayed some information about deleted pages in
the log API, enhanced RecentChanges, and user watchlists.


A remote code execution vulnerability existed if file upload
support for DjVu (natively handled) or PDF files (in
combination with the PdfHandler extension) was enabled.
Neither file type is enabled by default in MediaWiki.

(ID assignment pending)

Cross site request forgery in login form: an attacker could login
a victim as the attacker.

For the stable distribution (wheezy), these problems have been fixed in
version 1.19.14+dfsg-0+deb7u1 of the mediawiki package and 3.5~deb7u1
of the mediawiki-extensions package.

For the unstable distribution (sid), these problems have been fixed in
version 1:1.19.14+dfsg-1 of the mediawiki package and 3.5 of the
mediawiki-extensions package.

We recommend that you upgrade your mediawiki packages.

Further information about Debian Security Advisories, how to apply
these updates to your system and frequently asked questions can be
found at:
  DSA 2891-1: mediawiki security update