Debian 10191 Published by

An eglibc security update has been released for Debian

Package : eglibc
Version : 2.11.3-4+deb6u4
CVE ID : CVE-2015-0235

A vulnerability has been fixed in eglibc, Debian's version of the GNU C


Qualys discovered that the gethostbyname and gethostbyname2
functions were subject to a buffer overflow if provided with a
crafted IP address argument. This could be used by an attacker to
execute arbitrary code in processes which called the affected

The original glibc bug was reported by Peter Klotz.

We recommend that you upgrade your eglibc packages.

The other three CVEs fixed in Debian wheezy via DSA 3142-1 have already been
fixed in squeeze LTS via DLA DLA 97-1.