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A new version of the AM application manager for AppImage is available. AM is an application manager that is inspired by AUR and serves as an AppImage manager, installer, and updater. It currently contains over 1800 AppImage packages and official standalone applications for GNU/Linux, which are derived from tar and zip archives.

"AM" 6.7

Added two new options that allow you to use the "dev" branch with all new features (for beta testers and brave hearts)

To enable this, run

am --devmode-enable


appman --devmode-enable

Downloading of modules will be performed from the enabled branch. "main" is the default, while "dev" will be used if enabled with the"--devmode-enable" option.

To disable this, run

am --devmode-disable


appman --devmode-disable

Other changes

  • Solved a bug in "--launcher" where some launchers were not shown due to a missing "Name=" entry;
  • Started code refactoring by  @zen0bit (first module updated,;
  • Added a function that helps people with a non ordinary Linux distro and package manager to install the "jq" dependence from the upstream

Release "AM" 6.7 · ivan-hc/AM