KDE 1573 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Release of Boson 0.13, a Real Time Strategy (RTS) game for the K Desktop Environment.

Most of the work since the last release has been on behind the scenes features, such as fixing various issues with the new cmake based build system (which has made our life a lot easier) and a lot of small code improvements. Also the groundwork of a few new features has been layed that will get used in a later release, but are not yet supported by the game. An example here is code support for radar jammers.

The actual user-visible highlights of this release:
* New fog of war. In addition to the original fog of war that covers the whole terrain until it has been explored by a unit, we also have "fog" that covers all units that are outside the players' sight range.
* Icons for distant units: Units that are very far away from the camera position are replaced by a constant-size icon showing unit's type and it's owner's status toward you (friendly/neutral/enemy). This makes it possible to still recognize units that would otherwise be a small dot on the screen only.

Note that many core features are still in development and thus Boson is still mostly unplayable.

For a longer, though still very incomplete list see

You can find a list of hardware and software requirements at http://boson.eu.org/info.php
Note that proper 3d acceleration is required.

Downloading Boson
Source packages can be found at

KDE 1573 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Kphotobymail 0.3.2 is released. In this release the installation/application structure is changed.

For new readers:
Kphotobymail is a PyQt based application for uploading photos to flickr account.You can also use it to send emails with photo attachment on the fly.

Kphotobymail is in Fedora Extras now. So, if you are a Fedora Core 5 or rawhide user you can simply give :
#yum install kphotobymail

KDE 1573 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

KBackup 0.5 has been released.

KBackup is a program that lets you back up any directories or files, whereby it uses an easy to use directory tree to select the things to back up.

The 0.5 version now includes the possibility to define the file prefix used for the archives in a backup profile.

Also, there is now the possibility to dock the application into the systemtray. From there you can easily start/cancel a backup and watch the progress for long running backup tasks.

The user interface is already translated into german, french, italian, russian, slovak and it includes an english and a german handbook.

Get it from: