Suse 10.0, online update breaks my wireless networking

Hi, I'm using Suse 10. 0 with a Belkin wireless pci card: f5d7000 the one with the atheros chipset. I am using ndiswrapper, that came with the Suse distribution CDs. I had originally configured the wireless card with ndiswrapper and Yast, and things were working perfectly.

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Joined 2006-03-04
I'm using Suse 10.0 with a Belkin wireless pci card: f5d7000 the one with the atheros chipset. I am using ndiswrapper, that came with the Suse distribution CDs.
I had originally configured the wireless card with ndiswrapper and Yast, and things were working perfectly. However, I did an online update, and after that I can no longer connect to my home network.
The card is still operational. YaST recognizes it. I can do:
ifconfig ath0 up
and everything goes smoothly. However, it isn't connecting. I have tried
dhcpcd ath0
but it just sits there for a few seconds, does nothing, and when I check ifconfig, ath0 is no longer listed.
I am using WPA, and I dont know if the online update somehow might have broken things.
Any insight would be appreciated

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Responses to this topic


237 Posts
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Joined 2004-10-14
I had a similar situation awhile back and it was due to the kernel update. In order to correct it, I had to do a clean uninstall of my wireless and recompile ndiswrapper with the updated kernel before it would work again.


2895 Posts
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Joined 2002-08-30
zenarcher is absolutely correct. Ndiswrapper is used as a module, so that if you update the kernel, it needs to be installed/reconfigured for the new kernel.