Deleting repos and then upgrading

G'day all, I've upgraded to Fedora Core 5 from FC4. It works well except it will not allow any upgrades. I suspect that the FC4 repos are blocking things. How do I clear the old repos and replace them with new ones? (In plain english please; I'm no expect).

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G'day all,
I've upgraded to Fedora Core 5 from FC4. It works well except it will not allow any upgrades. I suspect that the FC4 repos are blocking things.
How do I clear the old repos and replace them with new ones?
(In plain english please; I'm no expect).

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2895 Posts
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Joined 2002-08-30
I think that you mean updates not upgrades? You just upgraded to Fedora Core 5.
upgrade = move to the new version of Fedora
update = install new updated packages that are available for the current release
What method are you trying to do the upgrades with, yum, or the "RedHat Network (the update manager)?"
I have yet to upgrade to FC5, so I will look at this when I do so this weekend.
You do have an active internet connection established?