Installing madwifi

I am attempting to get my NetgearWG311T PCI wireless card to work. I have downloaded the RPM madwifi-0. 0. 0. 20060520-6. lvn5. i386. rpm and copied it to my home folder. Next I used the command rpm -i (filename) and received the following message: warning: madwifi-0.

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Joined 2006-05-02
I am attempting to get my NetgearWG311T PCI wireless card to work. I have downloaded the RPM madwifi- and copied it to my home folder. Next I used the command rpm -i (filename) and received the following message:
warning: madwifi- Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID a109b1ec error: failed dependencies: madwifi-kmod >= is needed by madwifi- 5.i386
So, after unsuccessfully trying to find out about dependencies and how to resolve whatever I must be missing, I tried to install the package using yum via the following command:
su -c 'yum install madwifi'
While the results were not successful, it did result in attempting to load the "installonlyn" plugin, followed by "Setting up Install Process", Setting up repositories, core, and then "Canot find a valid baseurl for repo: core
So, I realize these are two different directions to try to install a first attempt. If anyone can assist me in either direction, RPM or yum, I would be most grateful.
Danleff...if it happens to be you that responds, I sent you email last week regarding a helpful post you gave me trying to isntall the loader. Your help was moast appreciated! I will be out of the country for a week as of 6/5/06, so bear with my response time lag.
Sincerely thankful in advance,

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Responses to this topic


2895 Posts
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Joined 2002-08-30
The best link that i have for this is here.
The key is downloading BOTH packages, the madwifi madwifi-kmdl ones. See the directions and let me know if they work for you.


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Joined 2006-05-02
Thanks Dan....
After re-reading the rror message, I finally understood what it meant (I think). It referred to a missing k-mod file. This translates to kernel module, which is found in the livna repository. Unfortunately, the error message sais I needed one >= 20060520. I could only find ones dated 200601 something.
I'll keep looking for the proper kernel module, which again is what I assume the RPM error message is referring to.
Thanks again Dan...


2895 Posts
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Joined 2002-08-30
Please look over the directions again. They say;

Quote:Install the RPM file madwifi-*.i386.rpm (or x86_64 respectively) plus the RPM kernel module packages (kmdl) appropriate for your kernel version and architecture, madwifi-kmdl-*.rpm and madwifi-hal-kmdl-*.rpm. 
There are a couple of other links that may help. but, what kernel are you running now? The key to finding this out, is running the command uname -r at a terminal window.
Is this Fedora Core 4 or 5? They use different versions and builds of madwifi. So the proper command for yum would be, as per the directions;
yum install madwifi madwifi-kmdl-`uname -r` as root user in a terminal window. Or possibly;
su -c yum install madwifi madwifi-kmdl-`uname -r` in just a non-root terminal window.


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Thanks again Dan....okay, a few more things for clarification might be helpful.
1) I have the docs for yum, but it seems somewhat unclear to me...when a yum command is issued, the docs say it "downloads" the proper packages etc. Since I am trying to make a wireless system work, I obviously don't have access to the internet yet. Am I chasing my tail here issuing a command that "downloads" the proper package when I in fact don't even have access to the internet yet?
2) I ran the uname-r cmd to determine my kernel. It returned 2.6.15-1.2054_FC5. When I viewed the livna repository, I didn't see a madwifi kernel module-package. In this case, I've sen documentation that refers to me rebuilding the kernel module package myself. Is that what I need to do since yum can't find the proper package I need?


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Joined 2006-05-02
Thanks again Dan....okay, a few more things for clarification might be helpful.
1) I have the docs for yum, but it seems somewhat unclear to me...when a yum command is issued, the docs say it "downloads" the proper packages etc. Since I am trying to make a wireless system work, I obviously don't have access to the internet yet. Am I chasing my tail here issuing a command that "downloads" the proper package when I in fact don't even have access to the internet yet?
2) I ran the uname-r cmd to determine my kernel. It returned 2.6.15-1.2054_FC5. When I viewed the livna repository, I didn't see a madwifi kernel module-package. In this case, I've sen documentation that refers to me rebuilding the kernel module package myself. Is that what I need to do since yum can't find the proper package I need?


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Quote:Am I chasing my tail here issuing a command that "downloads" the proper package when I in fact don't even have access to the internet yet?

Well, I did not know that you did not have access to the internet. Most folks configure there wired connection first, then set up wireless. I did not clearly see this from your first post.

OK, now we know that you have Fedora Core 5. There are specific packages for FC5. Let me see if I can look this up. Bear with me, as there have been a lot of posts recently.


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Thanks Dan...
The machine I am trying to set up wirelessly is a dual boot machine. Since I can acces the internet in Windows, I have been downloading the things I need there to my thumb drive and then copuing them into Linux. So, to be clear, I CAN access the internet via Windows, just not via Linux.