installing d-link dwl-g510 in fedora core 4--problems

Newbie needs some help here. Have fedora core 4 2. 6. 12-1. 1380_FC3 on a i686 processor. tried to yum the rpm, but there seems to be a mis-match between kernel config and the rpm available at ATrpms collection.

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Newbie needs some help here. Have fedora core 4 2.6.12-1.1380_FC3 on a i686 processor. tried to yum the rpm, but there seems to be a mis-match between kernel config and the rpm available at ATrpms collection. help much appreciated.

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26 Posts
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OP is another day. I re-read your post. did the following:
[root@localhost /]# /sbin/modprobe ath_pci
WARNING: Error inserting ath_hal (/lib/modules/2.6.13-1.1532_FC4/updates/net/ath_hal.ko): Invalid module format
WARNING: Error inserting wlan (/lib/modules/2.6.13-1.1532_FC4/updates/net/wlan.ko): Invalid module format
WARNING: Error inserting ath_rate_sample (/lib/modules/2.6.13-1.1532_FC4/updates/net/ath_rate_sample.ko): Invalid module format
FATAL: Error inserting ath_pci (/lib/modules/2.6.13-1.1532_FC4/updates/net/ath_pci.ko): Invalid module format
...with this result. Ideas?


2895 Posts
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Check the running kernel to make sure that it is the same as the package for madwifi that you are using.
Look at this thread and follow Frank's suggestions.
The other problem is that you may not have the kernel headers or source installed.
I will have to look at this more closely.


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In the rpm's, what is the difference between a "madwifi-kmdl" and a "madwifi" in the list of rpm downloads at ?
a few of the several "madwifi-kmdl" match my running kernel, one of which is the package I had rpm'd.
from post 1741: "yum'd a driver
and it installed OK."
I also note that there are rpm versions with "...FC4smp-" "...FC4xen0-9.6.0..." and "...FC4-" which only creates more confusion for me.
It seems like every step forward is met with two steps back.


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On further downloaded driver may be the wrong type?
should I have downloaded the .i386 and not the .x86_64? how can I uninstall and correct this?


4 Posts
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The x86_64 is for a 64 bit processor. Most likely, if you aren't sure, you have a 32 bit processor(i386). If you don't know, check online w/ the model of your CPU.


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OK performed the following. What does it tell us?
[dick@localhost /]$ /sbin/modinfo ath_pci
filename: /lib/modules/2.6.13-1.1532_FC4/updates/net/ath_pci.ko
parm: xchanmode:Enable/disable extended channel mode
parm: outdoor:Enable/disable outdoor use
parm: countrycode:Override default country code
parmtype: xchanmode:int
parmtype: outdoor:int
parmtype: countrycode:int
license: Dual BSD/GPL
description: Support for Atheros 802.11 wireless LAN cards.
author: Errno Consulting, Sam Leffler
parm: ifname:Interface name prefix (default: ath)
parmtype: ifname:charp
srcversion: 10AFF40770E3A7E9826DCCC
alias: pci:v0000168Cd0000001Asv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias: pci:v0000168Cd00000019sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias: pci:v0000168Cd00000018sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias: pci:v0000168Cd00000017sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias: pci:v0000168Cd00000016sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias: pci:v0000168Cd00000015sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias: pci:v0000168Cd00001014sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias: pci:v000010B7d00000013sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias: pci:v0000A727d00000013sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias: pci:v0000168Cd00000013sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias: pci:v0000168Cd00000012sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias: pci:v0000168Cd00000007sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
depends: ath_hal,wlan,ath_rate_sample
vermagic: 2.6.13-1.1532_FC4 gcc-4.0


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I do note that the "filename: /lib/modules/2.6.13-1.1532_FC4/updates/net/ath_pci.ko" are the same as my kernel version when I did the "modinfo." I am sure it is a 32-bit processor. I must have grabbed the wrong driver in the rpm list.


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I just installed FC4 on my sata drive and also installed madwifi.
I am posting from my wireless card now.
Give me a little bit and I will post a link to my web page article.
What I essentually found is that you need the kernel source installed. You are also probably correct, you downloaded the wrong package(s) and downloaded only one of the two packages needed.
You can install the kernel sources from up2date.
Try uninstalling your current version by doing as root user, in a console;
rpm -e madwifi
You need both the and the packages.
The package that you have is for 64 bit processors, if that is what you have (
I'll try to write a little how-to.


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Here is a rough draft of how I did it.
The important thing to note, is that you need both packages;


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Thank you all. I have spent weeks and weeks trying to get my D-Link G650 working and this thread and the thorough instructions from the moderator have been very helpful. Moth other forums I have visited have not taken the trouble to explain all the detail.
Thank you, thank you.


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Thank you for posting a most useful report. I have beeen off-line a few days...and will try the suggested steps asap.
Again, thank you.


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Y'know, it seems like there is a trap in every step. I tried the steps you posted in your link, and stumbled on what everyone (but me, apparently) understands as "you will also need to pre-install the corutils package before using yum, before doing the actual installation."
OK. WTF does "pre-install the corutils" mean?


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OK. Made a little progress. Madwifi apparently installed. response from /sbin/iwconfig:
[dick@localhost /]$ /sbin/iwconfig
lo no wireless extensions.
eth0 no wireless extensions.
Warning: Driver for device ath0 has been compiled with version 18
of Wireless Extension, while this program supports up to version 17.
Some things may be broken...
ath0 IEEE 802.11 ESSID:"" Nickname:"localhost.localdomain"
Mode:Managed Frequency:2.427 GHz Access Point: 00:00:00:00:00:00
Bit Rate:1 Mb/s Tx-Power:18 dBm Sensitivity=0/3
Retry:off RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off
Power Management:off
Link Quality=0/94 Signal level=-95 dBm Noise level=-95 dBm
Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0
Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:0 Missed beacon:0
sit0 no wireless extensions.
When try to activate ath0, get: Error for wireless request "Set Bit Rate" (8B20) :
SET failed on device ath0 ; Invalid argument.
Any ideas?


2895 Posts
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OK, your almost there. You are using a router?
If so, is the router using WEP and do you know the essid of the router?
What command are you suing to bring up the card? ifup, dhclient?
Type in a terminal window;
/sbin/iwlist wlan0 scan
...and post the results. I'm going to amend my article with more instructions.


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Using a router--yes. Router using WEP and I entered that key (10 digit). ESSID is entered.
[dick@localhost ~]$ /sbin/iwlist wlan0 scan
wlan0 Interface doesn't support scanning.


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Oops! To many late night posts, or early am ones.
/sbin/iwlist ath0 scan
How are you adding the values for the essid and WEP key?
/sbin/iwconfig ath0 mode managed key xxxxxxxxx channel 6 essid <your essid value>
Where xxxxxxxxxx is the WEP key and <your essid value> is actually the essid name.
Then see if you get an access point by running iwconfig ath0.
If yes (there are numerical/letter values for the access point) then...
Once you do that, how are you trying to bring up the card?
ifup ath0?
dhclient ath0?


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[dick@localhost ~]$ /sbin/iwlist ath0 scan
ath0 Interface doesn't support scanning.
Ideas? I went as root and nothing changed. Curious.


26 Posts
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OK. Back after the holiday. Reinstalled Fedora 4 and am running version Have downloaded the needed madwifi files per your white paper. Now the install for fails for lack of key. This is a new problem. ideas? thx.


2895 Posts
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Assuming that you are using the same source for the files, run the following as root user in a console;
rpm --import
This assumes that you have a working internet connection without the wireless.
Then try installing the packages.


2 Posts
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Joined 2005-12-04
Hey guys,
Which package does wlanconfig belong too?
I'm using Fedora Core 4.
I've already downloaded
Madwifi and the appropriate kernel module for my kernel from via yum.
I wanted to run these steps - by dleon:
6. Type wlanconfig ath0 create wlandev wifi0 wlanmode sta
7. Type iwconfig ath0 essid ANY
8. Type ifconfig ath0 up
9. Type dhclient
but couldn't find wlanconfig... did a 'locate wlanconfig' and did a find / -name wlanconfig
I know its not in my comp.
already did 'modprobe ath_pci' and its loaded (lsmod)
Anyone know where i can find 'wlanconfig'?