How Install Linux on SATA Drive?

I have HP XW400 3. 2GHz 2GB DDR1 and 160 SATA Drive (4 partition)i tried to install Linux on this bue i get same error nedd sata driver. please advise me which flavor of linux or kernel version is supported that drive.

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Joined 2008-07-18
I have HP XW400 3.2GHz 2GB DDR1 and 160 SATA Drive (4 partition)i tried to install Linux on this bue i get same error nedd sata driver. please advise me which flavor of linux or kernel version is supported that drive.

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Responses to this topic


2895 Posts
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Joined 2002-08-30
What distro of Linux and version number are you trying to install?


1 Posts
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Joined 2009-02-02
most newer Linux distro's have sata drivers and install out of the box w/ sata drives i ahve a sata drive and i use Slackware and i belive slackware has had sata support for a few years and so has ubuntu (i think) and a few other distro's