GNOME 3591 Published by

totem 0.99.10 has been released

Totem "I'm on BBC2 now" 0.99.10 is out for your enjoyment.

Totem is movie player for the Gnome desktop based on xine. It features a playlist, a full-screen mode, seek and volume controls, as well as a pretty complete keyboard navigation.

It comes with added functionality such as:
- Video thumbnailer for GNOME
- Webcam utility (in development)
- Nautilus properties tab


- GNOME 2.6 and GTK+ 2.4

And for the backend:
- xine-lib 1.0 rc3c or better
- gstreamer 0.7.x or 0.8.x

It is advised that distributors ship the xine backend by default.