SparkyLinux 68 Published by

New ISO images (LXQt, MATE, Xfce, MinimalGUI, and MinimalCLI) of SparkyLinux rolling edition are now available for download.

The May snapshot of Sparky 2020.05 of the (semi-)rolling line is out.
It is based on the Debian testing “Bullseye”.

• upgrade from Debian testing repos as of May 5, 2020
• Linux kernel 5.6.7 (5.6.10 & 5.7-rc4 in Sparky unstable repos)
• Calamares 3.2.23
• added additional support of Sparky installation on UEFI machines with Secure Boot: the live system should be launched with Secure Boot off as before; but after installation the Secure Boot can be turned on; both installers: Calamares and Sparky’s Advanced provides support of such installation
• disabled package list updating, during installing Sparky via Calamares; even you install Sparky with active internet connection, the Debian or Sparky server can be temporary off, so it could stop the installation
• Openbox: replaced ‘obmenu’ by ‘jgmenu’:
• added new packages to all iso images: ‘pulseaudio-module-bluetooth’ and ‘fuse3’ insead of ‘fuse’; thanks to Richard
• Xfce: fixed an issue of not displaying a wallpaper on the desktop, and not visible Sparky wallpapers at Desktop Settings; thanks to lami07
• replaced ‘ktsuss’ by ‘sparky-su’ which is used by ‘sparky-aptus-upgrade-checker’:
• Xfce: enabled fonts anti-aliasing with slight hinting
• LibreOffice
• Firefox 75.0
• Thunderbird 68.7.0
• Python 3.8

System re-installation is not required, make full system upgrade via Sparky Upgrade gui or a text based tool:


or via apt:

sudo apt update
sudo apt full-upgrade

New rolling iso images can be downloaded from the  download/rolling page.

Thanks go to:
• Richard and MoroS for testing Sparky dev iso images on real machines with Secure Boot
• lami07 for helping with the wallpaper issue in Xfce


Sparky 2020.05