SparkyLinux 68 Published by

New ISO images (LXQt, MATE, Xfce, KDE, MinimalGUI, and MinimalCLI) of SparkyLinux rolling edition are now available.

Sparky 2021.06

Sparky 2021.06 is out, the semi-rolling release which is based on Debian testing "Bullseye".


– all packages updated from Debian and Sparky testing repos as of June 22
– Linux kernel 5.10.40 LTS (5.12.13 & 5.13-rc7 in Sparky unstable repos)
– added RiseupVPN to all iso images, which helps you protect your privacy using all networking applications
– fonts set to size 11
– a new application Sparky Welcome which replaced Sparky First Run
– small improvements
– MinimalGUI: changed Thunar to a two panels DoubleCMD-Gtk

System re-installation is not required, make full system upgrade via Sparky Upgrade gui tool or a command:



sudo apt update
sudo apt full-upgrade

New rolling iso images can be downloaded from the  download/rolling page.

Sparky 2021.06 – SparkyLinux