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A Logging Subsystem 5.7.6 - Red Hat OpenShift security update has been released.

[RHSA-2023:4933-01] Moderate: Logging Subsystem 5.7.6 - Red Hat OpenShift security update

Red Hat Security Advisory

Synopsis: Moderate: Logging Subsystem 5.7.6 - Red Hat OpenShift security update
Advisory ID: RHSA-2023:4933-01
Product: Logging Subsystem for Red Hat OpenShift
Advisory URL:
Issue date: 2023-09-13
CVE Names: CVE-2023-3899 CVE-2023-4456 CVE-2023-32360

1. Summary:

Logging Subsystem 5.7.6 - Red Hat OpenShift

Red Hat Product Security has rated this update as having a security impact
of Moderate. A Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) base score, which
gives a detailed severity rating, is available for each vulnerability from
the CVE link(s) in the References section.

2. Description:

Logging Subsystem 5.7.6 - Red Hat OpenShift

Security Fix(es):

* openshift-logging: LokiStack authorisation is cached too broadly

For more details about the security issue(s), including the impact, a CVSS
score, acknowledgments, and other related information, refer to the CVE
page(s) listed in the References section.

3. Solution:

Before applying this update, make sure all previously released errata
relevant to your system have been applied.

For details on how to apply this update, refer to:

4. Bugs fixed (

2233087 - CVE-2023-4456 openshift-logging: LokiStack authorisation is cached too broadly

5. JIRA issues fixed (

LOG-4413 - Warning in Vector logs sending logs to Splunk
LOG-4456 - [release-5.7] Loki search does not allow special chars
LOG-4459 - [release-5.7] Search content disappears when link is copy pasted or shared with other user with opened with similar permissions on project.
LOG-4460 - Loki custom labelKeys is causing vector to enter CrashLoopBackOff state
LOG-4501 - Modify max_read_bytes for Vector not releasing deleted file handles

6. References:

7. Contact:

The Red Hat security contact is []. More contact
details at

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