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A Multicluster Engine for Kubernetes 2.3.1 security updates and bug fixes has been released.

[RHSA-2023:4862-01] Critical: Multicluster Engine for Kubernetes 2.3.1 security updates and bug fixes

Red Hat Security Advisory

Synopsis: Critical: Multicluster Engine for Kubernetes 2.3.1 security updates and bug fixes
Advisory ID: RHSA-2023:4862-01
Product: multicluster engine for Kubernetes
Advisory URL:
Issue date: 2023-08-29
CVE Names: CVE-2023-3089 CVE-2023-37466 CVE-2023-37903
1. Summary:

Multicluster Engine for Kubernetes 2.3.1 General Availability release
images, which contain security updates and fix bugs.

Red Hat Product Security has rated this update as having a security impact
of Critical. A Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) base score,
which gives a detailed severity rating, is available for each vulnerability
from the CVE links in the References section.

2. Description:

Multicluster Engine for Kubernetes 2.3.1 images

Multicluster engine for Kubernetes provides the foundational components
that are necessary for the centralized management of multiple
Kubernetes-based clusters across data centers, public clouds, and private

You can use the engine to create new Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform
clusters or to bring existing Kubernetes-based clusters under management by
importing them. After the clusters are managed, you can use the APIs that
are provided by the engine to distribute configuration based on placement

Security fix(es):
* CVE-2023-3089 openshift: OCP & FIPS mode
* CVE-2023-37903 - vm2: custom inspect function allows attackers to escape
sandbox and run arbitrary code
* CVE-2023-37466 - vm2: Promise handler sanitization can be bypassed
attackers to escape the sandbox and run arbitrary code

3. Solution:

For information and instructions for these updates, see the following

For multicluster engine for Kubernetes, see the following documentation for
details on how to install the images:

4. Bugs fixed (

2212085 - CVE-2023-3089 openshift: OCP & FIPS mode
2224969 - CVE-2023-37903 vm2: custom inspect function allows attackers to escape the sandbox and run arbitrary code
2232376 - CVE-2023-37466 vm2: Promise handler sanitization can be bypassed allowing attackers to escape the sandbox and run arbitrary code

5. References:

6. Contact:

The Red Hat security contact is []. More contact
details at

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