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Red Carpet 2.2 and Open Carpet 0.1 has been released

Red Carpet 2.2
The Red Carpet Daemon (rcd) is a system daemon which provides users access to the underlying packaging database. Through an XML-RPC interface, clients can view the database, and with sufficient permissions install, remove, and upgrade packages. The daemon also provides a very powerful dependency resolver which removes the headaches of software management.

Open Carpet 0.1
To illustrate the convenience and power of the new multiple service support, there is a Red Carpet service at which makes available to rcd users a large number of existing Apt RPM repositories, including FreshRPMS, the Fedora Project, NewRPMS, Dag Wieers' Apt RPM repository, GStreamer, ATrpms, ExtRPMs, Jpackage, and RPMPAN.
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