Red Hat 9012 Published by

There was a somewhat quiet, cost-free acquisition of sorts in the Linux world earlier this year when Red Hat announced it was joining forces with Red Hat Enterprise Linux community clone CentOS. The move, which effectively brings organization, governance, backing and technology of CentOS under Red Hat's brim, is interesting for a few reasons.

From LinuxInsider:
First, it illustrates the continued presence and power of unpaid community Linux distributions like CentOS. Second, it's part of the changing Linux market, which is being driven by cloud computing and new types of uses on the rise. Third, it also may be a sign that open source software users and customers are exerting more influence than ever before.

I've written before about CentOS, which is unique in that the open source operating system -- a free clone of Red Hat's paid RHEL -- and project always has had a core of dedicated developers, but not much beyond that.
  Reading Into the Red Hat CentOS Deal