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PHP 8.4.3 has been released with several bug fixes and improvements. These include fixes for BcMath, Core, DOM, FPM, GD, Gettext, Iconv, LDAP, LibXML, MBString, Opcache, PgSql, Phar, SimpleXML, Sockets, SPL, Streams, and XML.


- BcMath:
. Fixed bug GH-17049 (Correctly compare 0 and -0). (Saki Takamachi)
. Fixed bug GH-17061 (Now Number::round() does not remove trailing zeros).
(Saki Takamachi)
. Fixed bug GH-17064 (Correctly round rounding mode with zero edge case).
(Saki Takamachi)
. Fixed bug GH-17275 (Fixed the calculation logic of dividend scale).
(Saki Takamachi)

- Core:
. Fixed bug OSS-Fuzz #382922236 (Duplicate dynamic properties in hooked object
iterator properties table). (ilutov)
. Fixed unstable get_iterator pointer for hooked classes in shm on Windows.
. Fixed bug GH-17106 (ZEND_MATCH_ERROR misoptimization). (ilutov)
. Fixed bug GH-17162 (zend_array_try_init() with dtor can cause engine UAF).
. Fixed bug GH-17101 (AST->string does not reproduce constructor property
promotion correctly). (nielsdos)
. Fixed bug GH-17200 (Incorrect dynamic prop offset in hooked prop iterator).
. Fixed bug GH-17216 (Trampoline crash on error). (nielsdos)

- DBA:
. Skip test if inifile is disabled. (orlitzky)

- DOM:
. Fixed bug GH-17145 (DOM memory leak). (nielsdos)
. Fixed bug GH-17201 (Dom\TokenList issues with interned string replace).
. Fixed bug GH-17224 (UAF in importNode). (nielsdos)

- Embed:
. Make build command for program using embed portable. (dunglas)

- FFI:
. Fixed bug #79075 (FFI header parser chokes on comments). (nielsdos)
. Fix memory leak on ZEND_FFI_TYPE_CHAR conversion failure. (nielsdos)
. Fixed bug GH-16013 and bug #80857 (Big endian issues). (Dmitry, nielsdos)

- Fileinfo:
. Fixed bug GH-17039 (PHP 8.4: Incorrect MIME content type). (nielsdos)

- FPM:
. Fixed bug GH-13437 (FPM: ERROR: scoreboard: failed to lock (already
locked)). (Jakub Zelenka)
. Fixed bug GH-17112 (Macro redefinitions). (cmb, nielsdos)
. Fixed bug GH-17208 (bug64539-status-json-encoding.phpt fail on 32-bits).

- GD:
. Fixed bug GH-16255 (Unexpected nan value in ext/gd/libgd/gd_filter.c).
(nielsdos, cmb)
. Ported fix for libgd bug 276 (Sometimes pixels are missing when storing
images as BMPs). (cmb)

- Gettext:
. Fixed bug GH-17202 (Segmentation fault ext/gettext/gettext.c
bindtextdomain()). (Michael Orlitzky)

- Iconv:
. Fixed bug GH-17047 (UAF on iconv filter failure). (nielsdos)

. Fixed bug GH-17280 (ldap_search() fails when $attributes array has holes).

- LibXML:
. Fixed bug GH-17223 (Memory leak in libxml encoding handling). (nielsdos)

- MBString:
. Fixed bug GH-17112 (Macro redefinitions). (nielsdos, cmb)

- Opcache:
. opcache_get_configuration() properly reports jit_prof_threshold. (cmb)
. Fixed bug GH-17140 (Assertion failure in JIT trace exit with
ZEND_FETCH_DIM_FUNC_ARG). (nielsdos, Dmitry)
. Fixed bug GH-17151 (Incorrect RC inference of op1 of FETCH_OBJ and
INIT_METHOD_CALL). (Dmitry, ilutov)
. Fixed bug GH-17246 (GC during SCCP causes segfault). (Dmitry)
. Fixed bug GH-17257 (UBSAN warning in ext/opcache/jit/zend_jit_vm_helpers.c).
(nielsdos, Dmitry)

. Fix memory leak in cleanup code of pcntl_exec() when a non stringable
value is encountered past the first entry. (Girgias)

- PgSql:
. Fixed bug GH-17158 (pg_fetch_result Shows Incorrect ArgumentCountError
Message when Called With 1 Argument). (nielsdos)
. Fixed further ArgumentCountError for calls with flexible
number of arguments. (David Carlier)

- Phar:
. Fixed bug GH-17137 (Segmentation fault ext/phar/phar.c). (nielsdos)

- SimpleXML:
. Fixed bug GH-17040 (SimpleXML's unset can break DOM objects). (nielsdos)
. Fixed bug GH-17153 (SimpleXML crash when using autovivification on
document). (nielsdos)

- Sockets:
. Fixed bug GH-16276 (socket_strerror overflow handling with INT_MIN).
(David Carlier / cmb)
. Fixed overflow on SO_LINGER values setting, strengthening values check
on SO_SNDTIMEO/SO_RCVTIMEO for socket_set_option().
(David Carlier)

- SPL:
. Fixed bug GH-17198 (SplFixedArray assertion failure with get_object_vars).
. Fixed bug GH-17225 (NULL deref in spl_directory.c). (nielsdos)

- Streams:
. Fixed bug GH-17037 (UAF in user filter when adding existing filter name due
to incorrect error handling). (nielsdos)
. Fixed bug GH-16810 (overflow on fopen HTTP wrapper timeout value).
(David Carlier)
. Fixed bug GH-17067 (glob:// wrapper doesn't cater to CWD for ZTS builds).

- Windows:
. Hardened proc_open() against cmd.exe hijacking. (cmb)

- XML:
. Fixed bug GH-1718 (unreachable program point in zend_hash). (nielsdos)

Release php-8.4.3 · php/php-src