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Saki Takamachi has announced the release of the fourth beta version of PHP 8.4.0.


- Core:
. Fixed bug GH-15408 (MSan false-positve on zend_max_execution_timer).
. Fixed bug GH-15438 (Hooks on constructor promoted properties without
visibility are ignored). (ilutov)
. Fixed bug GH-15419 (Missing readonly+hook incompatibility check for readonly
classes). (ilutov)
. Fixed bug GH-15187 (Various hooked object iterator issues). (ilutov)
. Fixed bug GH-15456 (Crash in get_class_vars() on virtual properties).
. Fixed bug GH-15501 (Windows HAVE_<header>_H macros defined to 1 or
undefined). (Peter Kokot)
. Fixed bug GH-15565 (--disable-ipv6 during compilation produces error
EAI_SYSTEM not found). (nielsdos)
. Implemented asymmetric visibility for properties. (ilutov)

- Date:
. Fixed bug GH-13773 (DatePeriod not taking into account microseconds for end
date). (Mark Bennewitz, Derick)

- DOM:
. Fixed bug GH-15551 (Segmentation fault (access null pointer) in
ext/dom/xml_common.h). (nielsdos)
. Fixed bug GH-15570 (Segmentation fault (access null pointer) in
ext/dom/html5_serializer.c). (nielsdos)

- FPM:
. Added memory peak to the scoreboard / status page. (Flávio Heleno)

- MySQLnd:
. Fixed bug GH-15432 (Heap corruption when querying a vector). (cmb,
Kamil Tekiela)

- Opcache:
. Fixed bug GH-15490 (Building of callgraph modifies preloaded symbols).
. Fixed bug GH-15178 (Assertion in tracing JIT on hooks). (ilutov)

. mysqlnd: support ER_CLIENT_INTERACTION_TIMEOUT. (Appla)

- Session:
. Emit warnings for non-positive values of session.gc_divisor and negative values
of session.gc_probability. (Jorg Sowa)

- Standard:
. The "allowed_classes" option for unserialize() now throws TypeErrors and
ValueErrors if it is not an array of class names. (Girgias)

- Streams:
. Fixed bug GH-14930 (Custom stream wrapper dir_readdir output truncated to
255 characters in PHP 8.3). (Joe Cai)

Release php-8.4.0beta4 · php/php-src