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A press release from OXtensions:

OXtensions enable smooth interface with Outlook client and mobile devices

OLPE, Germany, June 3, 2005 – Netline Internet Service today announced the release June 10 of the Open-Xchange:tm: Microsoft Outlook connector and a SyncML OXtension technology preview – enabling users of the popular open source collaboration server to seamlessly connect and interface with Outlook and mobile devices.

“Now Open-Xchange customers can take advantage of the functionality, cost savings and rapid innovation of Linux, while still enjoying the mode of communication that is most comfortable to them,” said Frank Hoberg, CEO, Netline Internet Service. “And with the addition of SyncML, users can leave their desktops and can collaborate on the go.”

The OXlook connector can be installed on a Microsoft Windows 2000 or XP (32-bit) client and enables MS Outlook 2000 (SP3), MS Outlook XP and MS Outlook 2003 (32-bit version) to interoperate with the Linux-based Open-Xchange Server 5.0. OXlook supports the use of Outlook both on-line -- through a local area network or over the Internet -- and off-line.

SyncML is the open standard that drives data mobility by establishing a common language for communications between devices, applications and networks. The foundation of the SyncML open standard ensures a consistent set of data that is always available on any device or application, at any time. To participate in the SyncML technology preview, customers can go to (

Pricing and availability
Customers can purchase the OXlook connectors beginning June 10 through the Open-Xchange Online Shop ( for use with the open source version, Open-Xchange 0.8, and the commercial version, Open-Xchange Server 5.0. OXlook connectors are bundled in the OX Small Business Server (5 named users) that sells for $299 and in the OX Advanced Server Edition (25 named users) that sells for $850, to commercial enterprises. Additional seats may be purchased for $25.00 per seat. Volume and educational discounts are available.

About Netline
Netline Internet Service GmbH ( is the world’s leading Linux-based groupware, collaboration, and messaging provider. Netline’s flagship product, Open-Xchange Server, comes in a free Open Source version, OX 0.8, and a commercial version, OX 5.0. Since 1996 Netline - based in Olpe, Germany - has been developing java-based, three-tier web applications. Netline is a licensed reseller and development partner of Openexchange Inc.. Openexchange Inc. sells the commercial version of Open-Xchange – that includes access to the Open-Xchange Maintenance Network for documentation, patches and updates, web-based administration tools and connectors to proprietary desktop environments such as Microsoft Outlook -- through its OX ONLINE SHOP (powered by asknet) at and through its worldwide reseller network of more than 100 partners. Netline provides the core engine for SUSE LINUX Openexchange Server.

About SyncML
The foundation of the SyncML open standard ensures a consistent set of data that is always available on any device or application, any time. Sponsored by Sony Ericsson, IBM, Lotus, Matsushita, Motorola, Nokia, Symbian, Palm and others, the SyncML initiative accelerates the development and market success of SyncML technologies. Further information about the SyncML initiative is available at