Manjaro Linux 136 Published by

Manjaro 21.0.5 Ornara has been released with the latest updates.

Manjaro 21.0.5 Ornara released

  • Most of our Kernels got updated
  • Nvidia got updated to  460.80. More info about possible issues with this driver in our  Known Issues and solutions section or the  Nvidia Forum
  • We added  Plasma Mobile Gear Apps. More info about them  here.
  • Gnome Apps got mostly updated to 40.1. We are still shipping 3.38 shell!
  • Maui Apps are now at  1.2.2.
  • We updated Systemd to  247.7
  • Firefox  88.0.1 and Thunderbird  78.10.1 got updated.
  • LibreOffice is at  7.1.3
  • KDE Frameworks got updated to  5.82.0
  • KDE Plasma is now at  5.21.5
  • Lot of KDE-git package updates
  • Other regular upstream updates including python and haskell

[Stable Update] 2021-05-19 - Kernels, Nvidia, KDE Frameworks, Plasma, Systemd, LibreOffice, KDE Gear Mobile, FF, TB

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