KDE 1492 Published by

Kalva 0.7.0 has been released

What's new in Version 0.7.0:
You can store your hardware profile and share it via www.kde-files.org. By providing your hardware profile you can help others who are new to recording with MEncoder. You can store your quality profile and share it via www.kde-files.org. This allows apart from other benefits to have more than one profile and per recording choose which MEncoder options will give the best results (f.i. if you want to record a 16/9 movie you need other options than for a 4/3 five minute toon for children). What was said about the hardware profile about sharing via www.kde-files.org applies even more on quality profiles. You can allready find some at www.kde-files.org You can configure if the preview window shall start in fullscreen or not. The play button now gives some valuable information on using the preview window which in fact is an external MPlayer. Apart from these outstanding changes there have been a lot of improvements and bugfixes concerning tooltips and geometry flaws.

The scantv plugin was redesigned to make sure that a failing scantv does not freeze Kalva anymore. The save dialog for the channellist was fixed to fill in the values of the active channellist and to make sure that the channellist is set in the preferences when it gets a new name.

About Kalva
Kalva is a Lightweight Video Application ktvapp is a simple to use and easy to setup videorecorder for the K Desktop Environment. It is using the console tool MEncoder from the MPlayer package to do the real work. You can schedule a movierecording by choosing the date from a calender (will be passed to at) and a serial recording by choosing the days of the week (feeds your crontab).

You can store the neccessary MEncoder Options in hardware- and quality profiles. You can easily share your profiles and your channellist via New Stuff (take a look at www.kde-files.org for channellists, hardware profiles and quality profiles).

Kalva can import channellists from e.g. xawtv or xawtv4 and generate a knew one using scantv. You can edit and store that list. You might as well download a channellist from www.kde-files.org (KHotNewStuff). Kalva has a DCOP interface. This is meant as a convinient way to support recording for external apps like xmltv browsers (f.i. KTvSchedule). If You want to use the DCOP interface You can push Kalva into KDE's systemtray (works just like with JuK or amaroK).

If you want to follow the active developement process, the bleeding edge of Kalva's sources can be found in kde-svn (trunc/playground/multimedia/kalva).

Kalva Homepage

What's new in 0.7.0

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