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Kali Linux 2024.3 is now available for download and upgrade, following several changes since the June 2024.2 release. The changelog contains support for Qualcomm Snapdragon SDM845 SoC devices, 11 new tools, and Python 3.12 stack improvements. This release will no longer enable Python packages via pip, however they will restart as usual in the next Kali release, 2024.4.

New supported devices include the OnePlus 6/6T, SHIFT SHIFT6mq, and Xiaomi Pocophone F1. Kali NetHunter Pro images are now available for smartphones using the Qualcomm Snapdragon SDM845 SoC (System on a Chip). Support for the Raspberry Pi 4 Compute Module Wi-Fi device has been added, and the Raspberry Pi 5 kernel version has been updated to 6.6. The Pinebook kernel has been restored to 6.1 owing to graphical problems and the LCD not working on newer kernels.

Kali Linux 2024.3 Release (Multiple transitions)

With summer coming to an end, so are package migrations, and Kali 2024.3 can now be released. You can now start  downloading or  upgrading if you have an existing Kali installation.

The summary of the  changelog since the  2024.2 release from June is:

Our focus has been on a lot of behind the scenes updates and optimizations since the last release. There have been some messy migrations, with multiple stacks, all interrelating (transition have been like buses, all coming at once!). After the  t64 transition finished up, it was straight into multiple other transitions: GCC 14, the glibc 2.40, and Python 3.12.

This last one is the most significant! This new Python release removed some long-deprecated APIs, breaking a fair number of packages. We have been busy fixing it all (weeks of work!), we are almost there, Python 3.12 will be the default in the next version of Kali - 2024.4. With Python 3.12, there will be a major change for users: it won’t be possible to install Python packages with pip anymore We wrote about that a year ago already, we invite you to read that again if you are an avid user of pip.

Kali Linux 2024.3 Release (Multiple transitions) | Kali Linux Blog