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The second beta version of Godot 4.4 has been released, resolving issues identified in beta 1. The project has reached a feature freeze, concentrating on resolving new regressions and bugs. The release date is contingent upon the reporting of bugs. Users are invited to evaluate the beta releases to enhance the overall experience. Contributions facilitate the ongoing efforts of the project, which is sustained by dedicated volunteers alongside a select group of compensated contributors. The Web and Android editors are now available, and pre-release builds are ready for testing purposes.

Dev snapshot: Godot 4.4 beta 2

We’ve been keeping busy these past two weeks squashing the bugs that cropped up in  4.4 beta 1. Despite how much the previous snapshot added, it bears repeating that we have entered the 4.4 feature freeze, so our energy has been focused on addressing any new  regressions or the aforementioned bugs. We’re still aiming for a release sometime next month, but that all depends on how effectively new bugs get reported during this period. Users are strongly encouraged to test these beta releases so this process can be as smooth and expedient as possible!

Please, consider  supporting the project financially, if you are able. Godot is maintained by the efforts of volunteers and a small team of paid contributors. Your donations go towards sponsoring their work and ensuring they can dedicate their undivided attention to the needs of the project.

Jump to the Downloads section, and give it a spin right now, or continue reading to learn more about improvements in this release. You can also  try the Web editor or the Android editor for this release. If you are interested in the latter, please request to join  our testing group to get access to pre-release builds.


Dev snapshot: Godot 4.4 beta 2