Ubuntu 6573 Published by

The feature set of the upcoming Ubuntu 10.10 has been frozen

Hello Ubuntu developers,

The Feature Freeze[1] is now in effect for Maverick. The focus from here until release is on fixing bugs and polishing.

If you believe that a new package, a new upstream version of a package, or a new feature is needed for the release and will not introduce more problems than it fixes, please follow the Freeze Exception Process[2] by filing bugs and subscribing ubuntu-release or motu-release as appropriate.

Please also make sure that specs assigned to you for Maverick are updated to their current status (which should be at least Beta Available if not Deferred, or unless granted a freeze exception).


Our next testing milestone, Maverick Beta, is in 3 weeks (September 2). The list of bugs targeted for beta can be found at:


Per the policy described at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RCBugTargetting this list is used for tracking bugs that are blockers for the beta milestone - so as you can see, the list is currently quite short. If you know of other bugs that should be considered blockers, please nominate them for release and set the milestone target for those bugs. If you have questions about whether a bug should be considered a blocker, please contact me or a member of the release team[1].

And of course, please also consider helping with the bugs already listed there if you have the time.

Beyond that short list of bugs that are blockers for Beta, we have those bugs that are listed as release-critical for Maverick as a whole:


If you aren't among the small group of people who have milestoned bugs assigned to you, please consider helping with those release-targeted bugs.

On behalf of the Ubuntu release team, thanks....and yeehaw! :wink:

[1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeatureFreeze
[2] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess
[3] https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-release/+members