Slackware 1091 Published by

Dropline GNOME 2.6.0 for Slackware has been released

As stated on, GNOME 2.6 has arrived! Now Slackware users can enjoy crisp, GNOME 2.6 goodness, including the overhauled GTK+ File Chooser and the new Spatial Nautilus file management system. Other changes include new software such as the Beep Media Player and Screem Website Editor, new artwork, and a new windowing system. With the license change to XFree86 4.4, Dropline GNOME has also joined the revolution and moved to X.Org's X11 server (don't worry, the nVidia and ATI binary drivers still work). Finally, the Dropline Build System has also been revamped, making it easier than ever to build the desktop from source, or contribute enhancements back to the community. More details on working with the new build system will be available shortly.
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