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An otrs2 security update has been released for Debian GNU/Linux 10 LTS to address multiple vulnerabilities.

[SECURITY] [DLA 3551-1] otrs2 security update

Debian LTS Advisory DLA-3551-1 Guilhem Moulin
August 31, 2023

Package : otrs2
Version : 6.0.16-2+deb10u1
CVE ID : CVE-2019-11358 CVE-2019-12248 CVE-2019-12497 CVE-2019-12746
CVE-2019-13458 CVE-2019-16375 CVE-2019-18179 CVE-2019-18180
CVE-2020-1765 CVE-2020-1766 CVE-2020-1767 CVE-2020-1769
CVE-2020-1770 CVE-2020-1771 CVE-2020-1772 CVE-2020-1773
CVE-2020-1774 CVE-2020-1776 CVE-2020-11022 CVE-2020-11023
CVE-2021-21252 CVE-2021-21439 CVE-2021-21440 CVE-2021-21441
CVE-2021-21443 CVE-2021-36091 CVE-2021-36100 CVE-2021-41182
CVE-2021-41183 CVE-2021-41184 CVE-2022-4427 CVE-2023-38060
Debian Bug : 945251 959448 980891 989992 991593

Multiple vulnerabilities were found in otrs2, the Open-Source Ticket
Request System, which could lead to impersonation, denial of service,
information disclosure, or execution of arbitrary code.


A Prototype Pollution vulnerability was discovered in OTRS' embedded
jQuery 3.2.1 copy, which could allow sending drafted messages as
wrong agent.

This vulnerability is also known as OSA-2020-05.


Matthias Terlinde discovered that when an attacker sends a malicious
email to an OTRS system and a logged in agent user later quotes it,
the email could cause the browser to load external image resources.

A new configuration setting ‘Ticket::Frontend::BlockLoadingRemoteContent’
has been added as part of the fix. It controls whether external
content should be loaded, and it is disabled by default.

This vulnerability is also known as OSA-2019-08.


Jens Meister discovered that in the customer or external frontend,
personal information of agents, like Name and mail address in
external notes, could be disclosed.

New configuration settings ‘Ticket::Frontend::CustomerTicketZoom###DisplayNoteFrom’
has been added as part of the fix. It controls if agent information
should be displayed in external note sender field, or be substituted
with a different generic name. Another option named
‘Ticket::Frontend::CustomerTicketZoom###DefaultAgentName’ can then
be used to define the generic agent name used in the latter case.
By default, previous behavior is preserved, in which agent
information is divulged in the external note From field, for the
sake of backwards compatibility.

This vulnerability is also known as OSA-2019-09.


A user logged into OTRS as an agent might unknowingly disclose their
session ID by sharing the link of an embedded ticket article with
third parties. This identifier can be then potentially abused in
order to impersonate the agent user.

This vulnerability is also known as OSA-2019-10.


An attacker who is logged into OTRS as an agent user with
appropriate permissions can leverage OTRS tags in templates in order
to disclose hashed user passwords.

This vulnerability is also known as OSA-2019-12.


An attacker who is logged into OTRS as an agent or customer user
with appropriate permissions can create a carefully crafted string
containing malicious JavaScript code as an article body. This
malicious code is executed when an agent compose an answer to the
original article.

This vulnerability is also known as OSA-2019-13.


An attacker who is logged into OTRS as an agent is able to list
tickets assigned to other agents, which are in the queue where
attacker doesn't have permissions.

This vulnerability is also known as OSA-2019-14.


OTRS can be put into an endless loop by providing filenames with
overly long extensions. This applies to the PostMaster (sending in
email) and also upload (attaching files to mails, for example).

This vulnerability is also known as OSA-2019-15.


Sebastian Renker and Jonas Becker discovered an improper control of
parameters, which allows the spoofing of the From fields in several
screens, namely AgentTicketCompose, AgentTicketForward,
AgentTicketBounce and AgentTicketEmailOutbound.

This vulnerability is also known as OSA-2020-01.


Anton Astaf'ev discovered that due to improper handling of uploaded
images, it is possible — in very unlikely and rare conditions — to
force the agents browser to execute malicious JavaScript from a
special crafted SVG file rendered as inline jpg file.

This vulnerability is also known as OSA-2020-02.


Agent A is able to save a draft (i.e., for customer reply). Then
Agent B can open the draft, change the text completely and send it
in the name of Agent A. For the customer it will not be visible
that the message was sent by another agent.

This vulnerability is also known as OSA-2020-03.


Martin Møller discovered that in the login screens (in agent and
customer interface), Username and Password fields use autocomplete,
which might be considered as security issue.

A new configuration setting ‘DisableLoginAutocomplete’ has been
added as part of the fix. It controls whether to disable
autocompletion in the login forms, by setting the
autocomplete="off" attribute to the login input fields. Note that
some browsers ignore it by default (usually it can be changed in the
browser configuration).

This vulnerability is also known as OSA-2020-06.


Matthias Terlinde discovered that the support bundle generated files
could contain sensitive information, such as user credentials.

This vulnerability is also known as OSA-2020-07.


Christoph Wuetschne discovered that an attacker is able craft an
article with a link to the customer address book with malicious
content (JavaScript). When agent opens the link, JavaScript code is
executed due to the missing parameter encoding.

This vulnerability is also known as OSA-2020-08.


Fabian Henneke discovered that it is possible to craft Lost Password
requests with wildcards in the Token value, which allows an attacker
to retrieve valid Token(s), generated by users which already
requested new passwords.

This vulnerability is also known as OSA-2020-09.


Fabian Henneke discovered that an attacker with the ability to
generate session IDs or password reset tokens, either by being able
to authenticate or by exploiting CVE-2020-1772, may be able to
predict other users session IDs, password reset tokens and
automatically generated passwords.

The fix adds ‘libmath-random-secure-perl’ to otrs2's Depends:.

This vulnerability is also known as OSA-2020-10.


When a user downloads PGP or S/MIME keys/certificates, exported file
has same name for private and public keys. It is therefore possible
to mix them and to send private key to the third-party instead of
public key.

This vulnerability is also known as OSA-2020-11.


When an agent user is renamed or set to invalid the session
belonging to the user is keept active. The session can not be used
to access ticket data in the case the agent is invalid.

This vulnerability is also known as OSA-2020-13.


Masato Kinugawa discovered a Potential XSS vulnerability in OTRS'
embedded jQuery 3.2.1's htmlPrefilter and related methods.

The fix requires patching embedded copies of fullcalendar (3.4.0),
fullcalendar-scheduler (1.6.2) and spectrum (1.8.0).

This vulnerability is also known as OSA-2020-14.


Masato Kinugawa discovered a Potential XSS vulnerability in OTRS'
embedded jQuery 3.2.1 copy when appending HTML containing option

This vulnerability is also known as OSA-2020-14.


Erik Krogh Kristensen and Alvaro Muñoz from the GitHub Security Lab
team discovered a Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS)
vulnerability in OTRS' embedded jQuery-validate 1.16.0 copy.


A Denial of Service (DoS) attack can be performed when an email
contains specially designed URL in the body. It can lead to the
high CPU usage and cause low quality of service, or in extreme case
bring the system to a halt.

This vulnerability is also known as OSA-2021-09 or ZSA-2021-03.


Julian Droste and Mathias Terlinde discovered that the Generated
Support Bundles contains private S/MIME and PGP keys when the parent
directory is not hidden. Furthermore, secrets and PIN for the keys
are not masked properly.

This vulnerability is also known as OSA-2021-10 or ZSA-2021-08.


There is a Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the ticket
overview screens. It is possible to collect various information by
having an e-mail shown in the overview screen. An attack can be
performed by sending specially crafted e-mail to the system, which
does not require any user interaction.

This vulnerability is also known as OSA-2021-11 or ZSA-2021-06.


Agents are able to list customer user emails without required
permissions in the bulk action screen.

This vulnerability is also known as OSA-2021-13 or ZSA-2021-09.


Agents are able to list appointments in the calendars without
required permissions.

This vulnerability is also known as OSA-2021-14 or ZSA-2021-10.


Rayhan Ahmed and Maxime Brigaudeau discovered that a specially
crafted string in the system configuration allows execution of
arbitrary system command.

The fix 1/ removes configurable system commands from generic agents;
2/ removes the ‘MIME-Viewer###…’ settings (the system command in
SysConfig option "MIME-Viewer" is now only configurable via
Kernel/; 3/ removes dashboard widget support for execution
of system commands; and 4/ deactivates support for execution of
configurable system commands from Sendmail and PostMaster pre-filter

This vulnerability is also known as OSA-2022-03 or ZSA-2022-02.


Esben Sparre Andreasen discovered an XSS vulnerability in the
`altField` option of the Datepicker widget in OTRS' embedded
jQuery-UI 1.12.1 copy.

This vulnerability is also known as ZSA-2022-01.


Esben Sparre Andreasen discovered an XSS vulnerability in the
`*Text` options of the Datepicker widget in OTRS' embedded jQuery-UI
1.12.1 copy.

This vulnerability is also known as ZSA-2022-01.


Esben Sparre Andreasen discovered an XSS vulnerability in the `of`
option of the `.position()` util in OTRS' embedded jQuery-UI 1.12.1

This vulnerability is also known as ZSA-2022-01.


Tim Püttmanns discovered an SQL injection vulnerability in
Kernel::System::Ticket::TicketSearch, which can be exploited using
the web service operation "TicketSearch".

This vulnerability is also known as ZSA-2022-07.


Tim Püttmanns discovered an Improper Input Validation vulnerability
in the ContentType parameter for attachments on TicketCreate or
TicketUpdate operations.

For Debian 10 buster, these problems have been fixed in version

We recommend that you upgrade your otrs2 packages.

For the detailed security status of otrs2 please refer to
its security tracker page at:

Further information about Debian LTS security advisories, how to apply
these updates to your system and frequently asked questions can be
found at: