Debian 10328 Published by

From the Debian developer mailing list:


we just edited the generic freeze file, so that all packages now need to be hand-approved in order to go to testing.

Wait, that didn't come out quite right. Let's try again.

Etch is now frozen! Wheeeeeee!!!

Thanks are due to everyone who has helped get us to this point.

For those maintainers whose packages were unprepared for a freeze at this moment (the process has, after all, been a long one), you still have one last opportunity to get things into shape if there are any remaining important problems. Read on.

Now to explain what, exactly, we mean by "freeze". The freeze upload policy of uploading changes in through unstable if possible will be continued to apply until the release.

This means that, for all packages that still need to be updated for Etch, the rules are as follows:

- If your package needs to be updated for Etch, and the version in unstable doesn't contain extraneous changes (e.g, the version is the same between testing and unstable), please upload your fix to unstable and contact debian-release

- If the version in unstable already includes significant changes not related to the bug to be fixed, contact debian-release about uploading to testing-proposed-updates. Changed dependencies, new upstream versions, changed library names, and completely rewriting the packaging are "significant changes". So are lots of other things.

- If the version in unstable won't reach testing because of new library dependencies, contact debian-release about uploading to testing-proposed-updates.

- If in doubt, contact debian-release first.

- In all cases, when preparing an upload please do not make changes to the package that are not related to fixing the bugs in question. Doing so makes it more time consuming for the release team to review and approve such requests, delaying the release. It also delays the fix for your package, because you will be asked to reupload.

- When contacting the release team, please explain why you are requesting an update. Bug numbers are a must. The more we can figure out from your first email and your changelog (if any), the more quickly we can get your update in.

- If you have a package that needs updating, *please* don't forget to contact us. *Don't expect us to find out about it on our own*. Putting a comment in the changelog is not contacting the release team. :):

- If your package has been removed recently (i.e. in the last 20 days) due to an RC bug, and you have an bugfix-only update uploaded, you can contact the release team about letting your package back in. Same as above: Do not expect us to find it out ourself. You need to push that.

Now, so as not to have everyone contact us at once about packages we know we won't approve, here are the guidelines for changes that will be accepted into testing during the freeze:

- fixes for release critical bugs (i.e., bugs of severity critical, grave, and serious) in all packages;

- changes for release goals, if they are not invasive;

- fixes for severity: important bugs in packages of priority: optional or extra, only when this can be done via unstable;

- translation updates and

- documentation fixes.

As always, it is the release team's goal to get as much good software into Etch as possible. However, a freeze does not mean that your package is ensured a spot in the release. Please continue to stay on top of release-critical bugs in packages that you maintain; RC bugs in optional or extra packages that remain unfixed after a week will still be grounds for removal from testing, just as they have been up to this point.

Please also note that since many updates (hopefully, the vast majority) will still be going in through unstable, major changes in unstable right now can disrupt efforts to get RC bugs fixed. We don't ask you not to make changes in unstable, but we do ask that you be aware of the effects your changes can have -- especially if you maintain a library. Please continue to keep disruptive changes out of unstable, and continue making use of experimental where appropriate. Note once again that you can stage NEW uploads in experimental to avoid disruption in unstable.

Also, in case you need release team's help to fix RC bugs (e.g. to remove an old package), please feel free to contact us.

For packages which missed the freeze only for reasons outside of the control of the maintainers, we might be generous, but you need to contact us on your own, and you need to contact us soon.

What needs to happen before release
There is a short list of things that need to happen, though.

Fixing of release critical bugs
For the release, we need to get rid of all release critical bugs. Please don't hesitate, pick any bug from and fix it. Or send in a patch in case there is none yet. And of course, follow our permanent BSP policy for your NMUs. Uploading works as you are used to -- just remember to send an e-mail to debian-release to get your fix through.

Security support
Final preparations for security support will be done during the general freeze, that is now. We hope being able to announce start of security support soon, but obviously, it is a pre-condition for release.

Debian Release Team