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Cluster Resources released new PDF and web based documentation for TORQUE Resource Manager*, their open source resource manager, Maui Cluster Scheduler, an open source, configurable tool that improves cluster performance, and Moab Cluster Suite, a professional program that enhances cluster management.

The PDF documentation allows users to locally browse and print manuals for convenient offline review. The web based documentation includes numerous content, formatting, and organizational enhancements recommended by the community. Cluster Resources will also release WIKI-based online documentation in the coming weeks to allow greater community involvement in recommending best practices, assisting each other with usage issues, etc. The new documentation is available to the community at the following locations:

Moab 4.2.2:
Maui 3.2.6:
Moab 4.2.3: Available to customers and partners with their login account information.
TORQUE 1.2.0:

Cluster Resources is continually trying to improve documentation and is happy to receive suggestions from the user community. Please e-mail suggestions to

About Cluster Resources:

Cluster Resources, Inc.:tm: is a leading provider of workload and resource management software and services for cluster, grid, hosting center and utility-based computing environments. Cluster Resources' high-performance computing solutions enable administrators to control and optimize parallel and serial computing resources. Its professional Moab product line provides HPC sites with the most advanced workload management, scheduling and policy control (e.g., advanced reservations, backfill, checkpoint, preemption, fairshare, prioritization, etc.). Moab is compatible with batch resource managers such as Platform's LSF, Altair's PBS Pro, and IBM's LoadLeveler, and open source tools including TORQUE, OpenPBS and others. Moab runs on Linux, Unix, and Mac OS X environments, and is also accessible from Windows. For more information call (801) 873-3400 or visit

*This product includes software developed by NASA Ames Research Center, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and Veridian Information Solutions, Inc. Visit for OpenPBS software support, products, and information. TORQUE is neither endorsed by nor affiliated with Altair Grid Solutions, Inc.