Drivers 2900 Published by

AMD has updated their AMDVLK Linux Open Source Driver for Vulkan.

AMDVLK v-2022.Q4.3: 2022-12-9 update

New feature and improvement

  • Update Khronos Vulkan Headers to 1.3.235
  • Performance tuning for WolfYB, Three Kingdoms, etc.
  • Extend NonBlockCompressedView to support view3dAs2dArray

Issue fix

  • Coloured flickering in GTA IV
  • Shuttering in Doom Eternal
  • Dota2 fails to run with AMDVLK when RADV is installed
  • [PAL issues#91] AMDVLK driver hogs DRM_NODE_PRIMARY even when VK_KHR_display is not enabled

Release v-2022.Q4.3: 2022-12-9 update · GPUOpen-Drivers/AMDVLK