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AM-Application-Manager 8.3 has been released and makes a substantial modification by adding support for "torsocks" as an optional dependency. This enables users to utilize most apps securely with Tor, including processing DNS requests and rejecting communication other than TCP. The new functionality enables endless updates and installations, allowing users to achieve super-fast connections and circumvent API access restrictions.

The new feature also supports the parameters -u or update, -i or install, -e or extra, and -ia or install-appimage. Users can install "torsocks" by searching for it in the system package management. Since the previous version, the database has grown by 140 new products to install, comprising 2400 distinct apps and 346 standalone/portable packages.

"AM" 8.3

No limits!

This release brings with it a major change, made possible by extending support for " torsocks" as an optional (not mandatory) dependency, but if present in the system, it will break the API access limits of some sites with time restrictions, allowing unlimited updates and installations!

"Torsocks allows you to use most applications in a safe way with  Tor. It ensures that DNS requests are handled safely and explicitly rejects any traffic other than TCP from the application you're using."

NOTE: you can reach super-fast connections as well as slow-as-hell ones.

Below are the advantages of this implementation in "AM" and "AppMan".

Option -u or update

In this screenshot, I reached API access limit for a website where three applications are hosted, so the update fails... so this is the message that would appear if "torsocks" is not installed.

Here's what happens when you have "torsocks" installed in these cases.

From now on, you will know for sure when updates will be possible for a certain application hosted on a specific site... and how to bypass these restrictions!

Option -i or install

Same goes for applications to install! No more error skulls if "torsocks" is installed on the system!

Without "torsocks"...

...and with "torsocks" (note my slow connection for this 4 MB app)

Options -e or extra and -ia or install-appimage

Since the options -e or extra(to install Appimages from outside this database) and -ia or install-appimage (to install only AppImages-related scripts from this database) are based on -i or install, they will enjoy the same benefits of -i or install and -u or update, thanks to "torsocks"!

How to install "torsocks"

Search "torsocks" in your system package manager.

About "torsocks"

I attach some useful links here:

Other changes

Our database has grown with the addition of 140 new programs to install since the  previous release : 2400 unique apps, and of these, 2054 are Appimage packages and 346 are standalone/portable programs! Thanks  @Sush-ruta !

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Full Changelog 8.2.1...8.3

Release "AM" 8.3 · ivan-hc/AM