Software 42933 Published by

A new update for the "AM" Application Manager, a database and solution for all AppImages and portable apps for GNU/Linux, has been released. The update improves local script installation, fixes a bug, and adds new criteria for distinguishing between local and online scripts. It also includes a new environment variable for identifying working directories, additional functions in the "" module, and improved development of installation scripts for apps published on random websites.

"AM" 7.2.1

Improved installation of local scripts

  • Fixed a bug that prevented local installation scripts from running from the directory where the SHELL was opened
  • New criteria to distinguish local installation scripts from online ones

See  #793

Among other changes

  • Added new environment variable to identify the working directory, "$REALDIR", currently used only for local installation scripts
  • Added more functions in the "" module to distinguish installation modes
  • Fixed a bug where the /usr/local/share/applications directory was not automatically created
  • Fixed a bug in "" where creating installation scripts for creating AppImage packages on the fly required more questions than necessary
  • Improved creation of installation scripts using both URLs and commands for apps hosted on random sites (
  • Cleaned and updated installation scripts for 32-bit / i686 architecture
  • Installation scripts available for x86_64 architecture are 2126

Full Changelog 7.2...7.2.1


I'm looking for volunteers to maintain and add applications for all other available architectures (ARM64/aarch64, x86/i386/i486/i586/i686... and many others).

We try to bring "AM" and "AppMan" to more architectures and more systems.

For more details, please see  #784

Release "AM" 7.2.1 · ivan-hc/AM