WLAN connectivity on Fedora 8

Hi. . I am new to linux. . . i recently installed fedora 8 on my acer Laptop. . . its travel mate 4270. . It is a dual boot O. S. . it uses windows XP and fedora 8 of course. . . Well the installation of fedora 8 went smoothly.

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I am new to linux...i recently installed fedora 8 on my acer Laptop...its travel mate 4270..It is a dual boot O.S ..it uses windows XP and fedora 8 of course...Well the installation of fedora 8 went smoothly..but then since i use Wireless at home i found out that the wireless doesnt blink..in the sense in XP when i switch on the wireless it blinks and to be more precise even in Ubuntu it did work..but only in Fedora 8 it did not..i was trying to see in google if ther is any way of getting it running..
My Wireless Specification : Intel:registered: PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network connection.
Any help or related steps on this topic will be appreciated..

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Joined 2009-11-04
This is really a late post on this: I've been through this with linux: It's probably that the distro didn't support certain very common wireless cards' or usb stubs' chipsets at that time.
If the chip on the device was in anyway supported, it probably required ndiswrapper (a linux "wrapper" linux is software which allows using a device's Windows driver in place of a non-existent linux driver). Support likely improved in later distros with improved manufacturer cooperation.
Given these past hassles, I always prefer powerline devices or ethernet instead--generally, wired nics and cards are supported very well in linux.