where do i get wlanconfig?

Hey guys, Which package does wlanconfig belong too? I'm using Fedora Core 4 and trying to get my DWL-G510 wireless dlink up and running. I've already downloaded Madwifi and the appropriate kernel module for my kernel from Livna.

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Joined 2005-12-04
Hey guys,
Which package does wlanconfig belong too?
I'm using Fedora Core 4 and trying to get my DWL-G510 wireless dlink up and running.
I've already downloaded
Madwifi and the appropriate kernel module for my kernel from Livna.org via yum.
I wanted to run these steps - by dleon:
6. Type wlanconfig ath0 create wlandev wifi0 wlanmode sta
7. Type iwconfig ath0 essid ANY
8. Type ifconfig ath0 up
9. Type dhclient
but couldn't find wlanconfig... did a 'locate wlanconfig' and did a find / -name wlanconfig
I know its not in my comp.
already did 'modprobe ath_pci' and its loaded (lsmod)
Anyone know where i can find 'wlanconfig'?

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Responses to this topic


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Joined 2005-12-22
Any luck with a response? I appear to have run into the same problem. I yum'd the latest driver for Fedora 4 and the modprobe worked fine. When I went to the next step
wlanconfig ath0 create wlandev wifi0 wlanmode sta
wlanconfig is not found. It is also not installed on my system anywhere. Is the yum install for this driver incomplete? or are there additional tools missing?


2895 Posts
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Joined 2002-08-30
First, make sure that your wireless cared has an atheros chipset. The DWL-G510 was made using two different chipsets, depending on the revision number on the card. If it is a rev 01 or B card, it should have an atheros chipset. If it is any other, it probably has a Marvell chipset.
Wlanconfig should be part of the madwifi packages. Did either of you download 2 packages, one the main package and the other the kmdl (modules) package? Giving a link to where the packages were downloaded would help determine if all the packages and dependency packages are installed on your systems.
Take a look at the madwifi wiki, located here.
Also, take a look at the installation section, located here


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Joined 2005-12-25
I'm in the same boat as these guys. Installed madwifi onto debian sarge amd64 using the http://www.marlow.dk/site.php/tech/madwifi instructions here. I know for a fact I only installed the driver package as the tools package was only for i386. Which explains to me(and maybe others) why I don't have the wlanconfig, however I'd like to have the utility. I see the tools in the source .deb package but not in the installed /usr/src/madwifi.tar.gz. from which I extracted then complied the drivers. Basically I believe the split occured(refering to the link) when it says to "fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage" from inside the /madwifi-1.7 dir. It says that 2 .deb files should be generated, but for me only one was, also the -tools package(which wasn't generated) is labeled with i386 in the link. Just wondering if anyone knows a ways to compile the tools from the source package?


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You did follow the instructions?;

Quote:My repository only holds the x86 platform based -tools packages, so for any other platform you should choose the package builder. 
This should have built the packages including the tools. I will try this out, as I don't have madwifi built for my Debian install. I'll report back.


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Yes I used the package builder, which downloads the madwifi-source then is supposed to build the 2 files. Only built one even though the source.tar.gz has the tools folder inside. But I have been able to make, then make install the tools from their respective folder. Which gave me the working 80211stats, athstats, athkey, athctrl, and athchans commands, but no wlanconfig? Am I missing something?
So I continued to mess around with the madwifi-source and did a make, make install from the whole directory which copied over the working madwifi drivers with ones that left me with the ERROR- invalid file format for each time the drivers tried to load using modprobe. I understand why the 2nd overlap drivers didn't work.
Anyways I'm going through this trouble to try and configure WPA-PSK or WEP encryption. Currently I can set a key for WEP via iwconfig ath0 key "s:passphrase" without the wlanconfig, but I don't know what bit level it is example-128bit -152bit? anyone know how to look this up or set it?


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Joined 2005-12-25
Hmm Explains why some might not have wlanconfig Apparently the wlanconfig is only apart of the new Madwifi-ng drivers and considering the way mine were built and the fact that I did not download the Madwifi-ng drivers its highly doubtful that I have a chance at the wlanconfig util unless I use the Madwifi-ng drivers. Well at least it's an answer. Now to figure out the way they want me to install the ng drivers.


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-For 128-bit ASCII WEP keys, use 13 ASCII characters
–For 128-bit hexadecimal WEP keys, use 26 hexadecimal characters
–For 40-bit ASCII WEP keys, use 5 ASCII characters
–For 40-bit hexadecimal WEP keys, use 10 hexadecimal characters


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Joined 2005-11-19
Here is the simple way I got my card Athros chipped card to work in FC4 (D-Link DWL-G650):
1) check the current kernel details in terminal by running "uname -a". Write down what is shown.
2) Go to ATrpm ( http://atrpms.net/dist/fc4/madwifi/) in Firefox 1.07 (or later) and download madwifi- by clicking on the link (I'm not running a 64bit processor). When this is run in the Firefox download manager you get the option to "open with" and in the drop down box "install packages (default)". Hit OK. This will install this rpm. Do this before you proceed to the next step.
3) Now search the ATrpm Fedora driver list ( http://atrpms.net/dist/fc4/madwifi/) and make sure you get the correct rpm to match your kernel details you wrote down in Step 1) above. In my case "uname -a" told me that my kernal is 2.6.14-1.1644_FC4. I do not have a 64bit processor running so I selected this rpm: madwifi-kmdl-2.6.14-1.1644_FC4- Make sure you click on the "madwifi-kmdl-" rpm that matches both your your processor and kernel.
4) Click on the correct rpm as described in 3) above and Firefox will offer to install it. Click OK.
5) Reboot your computer.
6) Go to Desktop in your FC4 top panel. Select "System settings" then "Network". Type in your root password when asked and you will be taken to graphic menu that will list your network cards. In my case my laptop has an ethernet card and the wireless card. Until I installed Madwifi as described above the wireless card was not listed.
7) The wireless card is now listed under "Devices", in my case under the ethernet card. Check the box to the left next of the wireless card and press the "Activate" button.
8) When you go to leave the network menu you will be asked to save the new settings. Press OK. You're almost there.
9) Your card will still not be working. Restart your computer.
10) Bingo! It works.
Additional Comments for Kernel Upgrade.
11. Download the appropriate driver for the new Kernel. Install as suggested by the Firefox prompt. Reboot the computer and the driver is recognised.


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Joined 2002-08-30
I just installed the "ng" version of the madwifi drivers in Mandriva 2006. Yes, the wlanconfig command seems specific to the new ng drivers and works once you set up the system to recognize the new interface.
Make sure that you use the directions for the type of madwifi drivers that you are using, either the old series or the new "ng" series. heffo_j's directions are on the money for the ATrpm versions available.