Sound Card problem

Hey people! I have recently installed Fedora 4 with dual boot with windows XP. The problem is that i can´t install my sound card which is RealTek AC97 to the Fedora core although it works perfectly fine with winodws.

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Hey people!
I have recently installed Fedora 4 with dual boot with windows XP. The problem is that i can´t install my sound card which is RealTek AC97 to the Fedora core although it works perfectly fine with winodws. Does anyone know if there is a way to use the windows installed drivers from the Fedora core since i wasn´t able to find linux drivers for my sound card??

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Responses to this topic


2895 Posts
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Drivers should already be present in Fedora for sound. The drivers are part of the Alsa sound package.
Windows drivers do not work in Linux.
The unusual thing is that often the sound is muted in Fedora.
Most folks miss configuring their sound in the hardware summary window during the installation process.
You don't mention whether you are using the KDE or Gnome desktop GUI, but let's use the command line to try first.
Get to a terminal window, as root user. Type in;
alsamixer (hit the enter key)
Make sure that the volume is turned up all the way for at least the master setting (the first grapic bar)and the cd volume bar.
Hit the escape key to exit alsamixer and see if you can play sound at all.
If something is amiss, or the sound card is really not configured, at the command line, as root user;
At the poop up window, configure the sound card, which should be the snd-intelx0 driver.
If you are using KDE, you can also use kmix to change the volumes, as long as sound is configured;
This will give you a graphical window that will allow you to change the volumes.


500 Posts
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I am using the Realtek AC97 as well and it works perfectly for me. Are you sure it's not detected? Got to SoundCard Detection to check.


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tnx for your help guys but i guess something went wrong with the instasllation cause when i tries to run the alsamixer command i got this error msg
>alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory
i guess i have to download the asla driver from scruch?


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Did you see if the sound card was configured?
At the pop up window, configure the sound card, which should be the snd-intelx0 driver.
Then try alsamixer or kmix.
If you continue to get the same message, type in a terminal window;
/sbin/alsactl restore


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Sorry but both of the above commands are not regognized from my system... I just give up! Tnx for trying people!


500 Posts
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Joined 2004-04-06
Originally posted by so_what:

Quote:Sorry but both of the above commands are not regognized from my system... I just give up! Tnx for trying people! 
What do you mean? What message comes up when you try to enter those commands?


2895 Posts
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If you are still here, try;
1. start-->System Tools-->terminal
2. Type in;
3. At the prompt, type in your root password
The sound dialog box should come up.


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[root@dhcppol117 ~]# system-config-sound
bash: system-config-sound: command not found
[root@dhcppol117 ~]# system-config-sound
bash: system-config-sound: command not found
[root@dhcppol117 ~]# /sbin/alsactl restore
/sbin/alsactl: load_state:1236: No soundcards found...
Now for the system-config-soundcard command I have tried that before and what i get is a window with the type of my soundcard. I press the test sound button and i get the follwing errors:
amixer: Mixer attach hw:0 error: No such file or directory
amixer: Mixer attach hw:0 error: No such file or directory
amixer: Mixer attach hw:0 error: No such file or directory
amixer: Mixer attach hw:0 error: No such file or directory
aplay: main:533: audio open error: No such file or directory
and i a window that automatic detection failed!


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Hi same problem here, althrough the sound was working perfect, the system must have lost a file or a driver somewhere.
Redhat RHEL4 ( same as fedora 3 more or less)
Intel AC97 intergrated sound card.
[root@localhost /]# alsamixer
alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory
[root@localhost /]# /sbin/alsactl restore
/sbin/alsactl: load_state:1134: No soundcards found...
[root@localhost /]# system-config-soundcard
amixer: Mixer attach default error: No such file or directory
amixer: Mixer attach default error: No such file or directory
aplay: main:508: audio open error: No such file or directory
any idea ?


1 Posts
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Joined 2005-09-21
I have the same problem folks. I had a working sound card in FC2 and upgrade to FC3 using YUM.
Something has happened somewhere which made Alsa quit working.
I've been playing around with it off and on for the last couple of
days and am starting to get pissed.
I've tried to re-install all the ALSA rpm's for FC3 and still haven't had any luck.
[charlie@localhost ~]$ system-config-soundcard
amixer: Mixer attach default error: No such file or directory
amixer: Mixer attach default error: No such file or directory
aplay: main:533: audio open error: No such file or directory
[charlie@localhost ~]$ which amixer
[charlie@localhost ~]$ amixer
amixer: Mixer attach default error: No such file or directory
[charlie@localhost ~]$ /usr/bin/amixer
amixer: Mixer attach default error: No such file or directory
[charlie@localhost ~]$ alsamixer
alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory
[charlie@localhost ~]$
This has to be some problem involving YUM upgrades as opposed to upgrading via CD's.
But what? I haven't figured out yet.


1 Posts
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Joined 2006-08-03
i am having somewhat the same problem
working on FC2
realtek alc880 soundcard
says no soundcards were detected


1019 Posts
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Joined 2004-12-21
Why you are using old Fedora Core 2, when there is newer Fedora Core 5? It (may) have better driver support.