Sharkoon PureWriter RGB not working after waking up from suspend

The keyboard works fine after a normal boot. When suspended, I can even wake up my PC with the keyboard, but then the LEDs remain off, and the keyboard doesn't work until I plug it out and in again. .

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Joined 2020-09-27

The keyboard works fine after a normal boot. When suspended, I can even wake up my PC with the keyboard, but then the LEDs remain off, and the keyboard doesn't work until I plug it out and in again.

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1795 Posts
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Joined 1999-07-15
I am using here on my Debian 10 machine the same keyboard. Everything is working as expected. I can use the keyboard just fine after a suspend and wake up.
Which Linux Distribution and hardware configuration are you using?


1 Posts
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Joined 2020-10-11
I'm running Manjaro (kernel 5.8.11-1) on an MSI B450 Aorus M mainboard.